Hevy, a clone trooper known as CT-782, earned his nickname due to his proficiency with heavy weapons. During the Clone Wars, he fought for the Grand Army of the Republic. Hevy, bred from the genetic template of Jango Fett, the bounty hunter, trained on the planet Kamino as a clone cadet within Domino Squad. Following his training, Hevy was stationed on the Rishi Moon, a strategically important location near the Kamino system. The Confederacy of Independent Systems, aiming to cripple the Republic Military's clone supply, launched an attack on the Rishi outpost using commando battle droids, forcing Hevy and his squad into a defensive position. With the assistance of Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex, they fought to reclaim Rishi Station, but faced overwhelming odds. Wielding a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, Hevy bravely confronted the Separatists alone, eliminating numerous battle droids before being struck down by enemy blaster fire. Though injured, Hevy activated several explosives, destroying the station and sacrificing his life to alert the Galactic Republic to the Separatist presence on the moon. This act ultimately delayed the Confederacy's invasion of Kamino.

Hevy, designated as CT-782, was a clone trooper who got his name from his skill and training with heavy weapons, such as the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. Like all the other clone troopers created for the Galactic Republic, Hevy was created on the planet Kamino. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic's Domino Squad, a clone cadets unit during the beginning stages of the Clone Wars. His fellow squad members included Cutup, Echo, Fives, and Droidbait.
Domino Squad received their training at Tipoca City, the capital of Kamino, under the guidance of Master Chief Bric, the Arcona bounty hunter El-Les, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Shaak Ti oversaw the cadets as they practiced for their final examination, known as the Citadel Challenge. During the test, the squad faced off against training battle droids. Although the blasters of the droids, as well as the cadets' weapons, were not lethal, injuries could still occur. Passing the test required teamwork from all clone cadet squads. However, Hevy and Domino Squad often struggled to get along.
During their last practice test, Hevy separated himself from Domino Squad while they were engaging the droids. Watching the group, Bric, El-Les, and Shaak Ti grew concerned about Domino Squad's lack of discipline. Bric voiced his concerns about their teamwork and considered assigning them to the maintenance crew in Tipoca City, where clones who did not meet the standards were sent. As the simulation continued, Hevy continued to disregard orders and took charge of the squad. Nevertheless, the droid forces began to overwhelm the clones, causing the squad to fail. Dejected, Domino Squad returned to their barracks after the failed practice test. Frustrated, Hevy removed his helmet and threw it to the ground. He then told his squad members that he was being effective because he was "thinking like an ARC trooper."

Echo, who had a habit of repeating orders, reminded him that ARC troopers follow orders, prompting Hevy to mockingly ask Echo to repeat himself. A brief physical altercation ensued until Bric intervened. Bric scolded the cadets, suggesting that they might have a chance in combat if they fought droids as much as they fought each other. Echo quickly apologized to his Master Chief, but Hevy remained defiant. He expressed his preference for being trained by a paid mercenary bounty hunter rather than a Jedi. Bric sternly reminded the clone that Jedi were too busy to train cadets like him. The bounty hunter then declared that the entire squad was wasting his time because of their inability to work together.

The following day, Bric and El-Les gathered Domino Squad, along with other clone cadet squads, for a meeting on a hangar platform. ARC troopers, led by Clone Commander Colt, followed by Havoc and Blitz, were present to observe the final simulator test for the clone cadets. Passing the Citadel Challenge would qualify the troopers within the squad to become battle-ready clone soldiers. Colt took interest with Bravo Squad, a unit of clone cadets that passed their tests very quickly. Hevy and Domino Squad watched as Bravo Squad completed the simulation with ease. Unimpressed, Hevy asserted that they were superior to Bravo Squad. When Domino Squad's simulation began, they progressed through certain sections faster than usual. While the other clones sought cover, Hevy cleared a path for them by destroying droids with his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. When Droidbait strayed from the squad, a droid shot him in the back. Cutup alerted Hevy, but the clone intended to abandon his injured teammate and proceed to the citadel. Colt and El-Les noticed the squad leaving Droidbait, which forced them to halt the simulation, resulting in Domino Squad's automatic failure.

That evening, Hevy attempted to desert the clone army after his team failed the final test. However, he was approached by 99, a maintenance clone with disabilities who had befriended the group. 99 advised Hevy to collaborate with his team despite their differences. 99, who never had the opportunity to prove himself as a clone trooper, urged Hevy not to waste his chance. Throughout their conversation, 99 addressed Hevy by his name instead of his designation. Confused by his brother calling him by a real name, "CT-782" angrily told 99 to stop calling him "Hevy." In his view, clones were merely numbers and lacked true names. 99 disagreed, insisting that Hevy always had a name.
Shaak Ti granted Domino Squad a second chance to retake the test because she and El-Les believed in them. The next day, as the squad prepared, Hevy was absent. Concerned that they would fail again without him, Hevy appeared. He declared that they would succeed this time and that his name was now Hevy.
Bric joined Shaak Ti and El-Les to observe the newly named Hevy and Domino Squad as they participated in the simulation test for the last time. This time, Domino Squad progressed further into the test. Upon reaching the base of the citadel, Hevy, Echo, Fives, Cutup, and Droidbait discovered that their ascension cables were missing from their belts. Bric had removed the cables before the test to challenge the cadets. However, the clones improvised and decided to climb the blasters that ascended towards the citadel's roof. Hevy successfully climbed the turrets and raised the pole atop the citadel, completing the test. Bric was amazed by their sudden improvement. Because they worked as a team and passed their final test, Hevy and the rest of Domino Squad were permitted to become clone troopers.
They were each awarded medals to symbolize their graduation from clone cadet. Hevy thanked 99 for his help, which ultimately united Domino Squad. 99 commended Hevy on his leadership, but Hevy reminded 99 that they were a team and expressed his gratitude for having a brother like him. As they said goodbye, Hevy assured 99 that they would meet again and gave 99 his medal.

Following his training on Kamino, Hevy received his first off-world assignment. He was stationed at Rishi Station, a listening post on a moon orbiting the planet Rishi, along with Echo, Cutup, Droidbait, and Fives, under the command of Clone Sergeant O'Niner. Clone trooper Nub was also stationed there. Their duty was to maintain the listening post and warn the Galactic Republic of any impending Separatist attacks on Kamino. Hevy was disappointed that his first assignment was not on the actual battlefield. He typically spent his time arm wrestling with Cutup or Fives. While Hevy and the rookie troopers were on duty in the control room, Sergeant O'Niner entered and informed them of an upcoming inspection. Unbeknownst to the 'Shinies' and their sergeant, Confederate General Grievous had deployed BX-series droid commandos in Droch-class boarding ships to attack the listening post.

Grievous, along with the assassin Asajj Ventress, planned to invade Kamino to halt the production of clone troopers for the Republic. The Republic listening post on Rishi Moon had an "all clear signal," which, if deactivated, would alert a nearby Republic fleet. Consequently, Grievous ordered his droids to leave the signal untouched. Meanwhile, the clones were alerted to an approaching meteor shower. To protect the base, they raised the listening post's shield. However, the meteor shower was actually several Separatist boarding ships used by the commando droids. The droids disembarked and began their assault on the base. In the command center, the clones attempted to contact the deck officer, clone trooper CT-327, but were unable to reach him because he had already been killed by the commando droids. O'Niner instructed Droidbait and Nub to find him. However, the two clones encountered the droids at the base's entrance and were fired upon. Alerted to the droid's presence, O'Niner ordered Hevy to sound the alarm, but he soon discovered that the droids had disabled the beacon.
After the commando droids fatally shot O'Niner, the remaining clone troopers—Hevy, Echo, Fives, and Cutup—evacuated the command center through the ventilation shaft, which led them outside the listening post. Upon exiting the shaft, the four troops, already feeling helpless without their sergeant, were further disheartened when a Rishi eel attacked and devoured Cutup, leaving Hevy, Echo, and Fives to defend themselves.

Eventually, the remaining rookie clone troopers spotted a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle piloted by Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex. The clone officers had arrived to inspect the listening post but were unaware of the droid attack. Hevy managed to warn them by launching a droid attack flare. The clones met Cody and Rex after narrowly escaping a droid ambush. Upon meeting the clones, Rex demanded that they remove their helmets to confirm their identities. After the three rookie clone troopers complied, a Rishi Moon eel emerged and attacked them.
This time, Rex killed it with a single shot to the eye, impressing the rookies. Rex referred to them as "shinies," a derogatory term for troopers with spotless armor that had not yet seen battle. Nonetheless, Rex found the group unique and took interest in Hevy's confidence, stating that "there was hope for them yet." Rex and Cody provided the rookie troopers with blasters, and Rex proposed a plan to retake the listening post.
The clone troopers concealed themselves near the base's entrance while Rex impersonated commando droid unit 26 using the droid's severed head. The clone captain successfully tricked the commando droids into opening the listening post's main door, allowing the clone troopers to ambush the remaining droids inside. Upon entering the command center, the clones defeated the droid units, including their vibroblade-wielding leader.

Their victory was short-lived, however, as the clone troopers noticed General Grievous' fleet arriving above the moon. Due to the lack of communication from the commando droids, Grievous dispatched additional battle droids to the listening post. Inside the command center, the clones were unable to disable the "all clear" signal because the droids had hot-wired it. Soon, a droid landing craft descended through the atmosphere and landed near the listening post. With the battle droid reinforcements outnumbering the clone troopers, Rex ordered the base's complete destruction, surprising the rookies. They soon realized that destroying the base would stop the "all clear" signal and alert the Republic to the Separatist attack. Echo suggested using highly explosive liquid tibanna stored in plunk droids. While Rex and Echo went to retrieve the droids, Cody, Hevy, and Fives gathered weapons from the listening post's supply room.
When the battle droids reached the base's entrance, they demanded that the doors be opened, only to find Hevy aiming a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon at them. Hevy, Cody, and Fives opened fire on the invading forces, buying time for Rex to wire three plunk droids together. Unexpectedly, the remote activator to detonate the tibanna malfunctioned. Hevy volunteered to stay behind and fix the problem, allowing the others to escape through the ventilation shaft.

Hevy continued to attempt to connect the remote activator to the bombs as the droids approached. Realizing that he was running out of time, he quickly hid from the approaching battle droids. Assuming that the clones had fled, the Separatist droids reclaimed the listening post. Outside, Cody, Rex, Echo, and Fives noticed that Hevy was still inside. Rex tried to contact him via comlink, but Hevy said that he had to detonate the explosives manually. The clone trooper then began firing at the B1-series battle droids after a group spotted him. Unwilling to accept Hevy's decision, Rex and the other clones ran back to rescue him.
Inside the station, more battle droids approached the command center. Hevy was shot in the shoulder by one of the droids. Outnumbered and wounded, he continued to fight his way to the command center, ignoring the pleas of the others through his comlink. Eventually, Hevy's Z-6 rotary blaster ran out of ammunition. He threw the weapon at the battle droids before being shot twice in the back. As Hevy regained consciousness, a battle droid questioned whether to take him prisoner. Declaring that he did not take prisoners, Hevy activated the tibanna explosives, sacrificing himself and destroying the listening post along with the droids inside.

Hevy's sacrifice was not in vain. With the listening post destroyed, the "all clear" signal was deactivated, alerting the Galactic Republic to the presence of General Grievous' fleet of Separatist starships. When the Republic arrived, Grievous was forced to retreat due to being outgunned. Meanwhile, the remaining clone troopers witnessed the destruction of the listening post, with Echo remarking that Hevy had always hated the base. The clones were then picked up by a LAAT/i gunship. Onboard the Republic attack cruiser Resolute, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker awarded Echo and Fives medals for their service and honored Hevy's bravery and sacrifice. Echo and Fives were then integrated into Rex's clone unit, the 501st Legion.
Unfortunately, the Separatists launched another attack on Kamino later in the war. The Republic, after intercepting a transmission between Grievous and Asajj Ventress, traveled to Kamino to defend it against the upcoming attack. Echo and Fives were among the members of the 501st Legion sent to defend their home. To honor their fallen comrade, they both adopted images of a Z-6 rotary canon with the words "For Hevy" written in Aurebesh on their armor. As they walked down a hallway in Tipoca City, they encountered 99. The clone welcomed his brothers back but was saddened to learn that Hevy had died on the Rishi moon outpost. He then revealed that Hevy had given him his graduation medal before leaving Kamino, surprising the other clones.
Grievous and Ventress soon led their attack on Kamino, starting with Tipoca City. Echo and Fives destroyed attacking aqua droids from a sniping position, where they were joined by 99, who brought them ammunition. They were then joined by a group of young clone cadets who had become separated from their group. They all retreated to the barracks and were soon joined by Rex and Cody. A group of battle droids soon attacked the barracks. By having the clone cadets strike from above, the troopers succeeded in destroying all of their attackers. However, 99 was killed while trying to retrieve more ammunition for his brothers. After the battle, Echo and Fives were promoted to ARC troopers by Captain Rex and Commander Cody for their initiative and bravery.

In the war's concluding year, Captain Rex, situated within the confines of the barracks, gazed intently at a photograph capturing him alongside some of his clone comrades. He and Commander Cody reminisced about their fallen brothers, specifically mentioning Hevy and recalling his ultimate sacrifice.
Hevy, a human male clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, stood at a height of 1.83 meters, equivalent to 6 feet. Mirroring his genetic source, he possessed black [hair](/article/hair], brown eyes, and a tan complexion. His hair was styled in a short crew cut, while his eyebrows exhibited a dark red hue. He received the moniker "Hevy" from 99 due to his training in operating heavy armaments, notably the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon.
Like all clone troopers, Hevy's allegiance was primarily to the Grand Army of the Republic. Nevertheless, this did not prevent him from nearly going rogue when he thought he would be assigned to maintenance duty. Hevy also had a strong desire to forge his own path, which initially caused problems for his squad. Following a failed practice assessment, Hevy, in frustration, threw his helmet down in the barracks and subsequently engaged in a physical altercation with Echo. Eventually, 99 convinced Hevy to appreciate his opportunity to serve, leading him to excel and become a leader within his squad. Consequently, he was instrumental in persuading the other Dominos to collaborate as a team and successfully complete their cadet training on Kamino.
During his training period on Kamino, Hevy was equipped with training armor specifically engineered for training purposes, featuring an open visor that allowed visibility of the cadet's face. Upon the completion of his training, Hevy donned standard Phase I clone trooper armor during his assignment at the Rishi Moon outpost, complete with a comlink and utility belt. He also carried a droid attack flare, which he deployed to notify Rex and Cody of the droid invasion at the Rishi Outpost. Hevy's preferred weapon was the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon.