
Clone Commander Blitz served within the Grand Army of the Republic as an Advanced Recon Commando throughout the Clone Wars. Alongside fellow ARC Commanders Colt, Hammer, and Havoc, he was responsible for supervising the training of clone troopers during the conflict.


ARC trooper Commander Blitz

Like all clones, Blitz's origins trace back to the watery planet of Kamino, where he was created using the genetic material of the deceased bounty hunter Jango Fett. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], he held the military rank of [Clone Commander](/article/clone_commander] as an ARC trooper, and was assigned to Rancor Battalion. During the Clone Wars, he was stationed on Kamino, where he, along with ARC Commanders Colt, Havoc, and Hammer, oversaw the training of clone troopers. He later took part in the Battle of Kamino, and when Separatist Trident drills launched their attack, he spearheaded a team of three Advanced Recon Force troopers to eliminate them. Of the few ARCs who fought in the battle, only Blitz and Hammer survived.

Behind the scenes

Blitz's initial appearance occurred in the "Clone Cadets" episode, although he was not identified at that time. His identification within the new Star Wars canon happened with the release of the Clone ARC Commander Blitz card, which was part of the Rank & File set on the Star Wars: Card Trader app in 2018. Within the Legends continuity, his identification was first established by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars toy line set known as Defend Kamino.

