Havoc was both a Clone Commander and a Advanced Recon Commando. During the Clone Wars, he fought for the Grand Army of the Republic as a member of the Rancor Battalion. During the Battle of Kamino, he was a component of the Galactic Republic's military command, and it was during this battle that he died.
Havoc, who was given this name, was a clone trooper within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was created on the planet of Kamino using the DNA of Jango Fett. Fett was a bounty hunter whose genetic structure served as the template for the Kaminoan clone trooper army. Throughout his time in service, Havoc distinguished himself as a capable soldier, leading to his advancement to the rank of Advanced Recon Commando, also known as ARC trooper. Eventually, he attained the military rank of Clone Commander.
As an ARC trooper, Havoc underwent specialized training as part of the ARC program and was given experimental clone trooper armor. Havoc participated in the Clone Wars, a conflict that spanned the entire galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. He served in the Republic's Rancor Battalion alongside fellow Clone ARC Commanders Colt, Blitz, and Hammer.

In the early stages of the Clone Wars, specifically in 22 BBY, Havoc, along with Colt, Blitz, and Hammer, was stationed on Kamino to supervise the training of clone cadets. On one occasion, the commando stood with Blitz in a hangar within Tipoca City. There, Domino Squad, Bravo Squad, and two additional cadet units were present, listening to speeches delivered by Master Chief Bric and Commander Colt.
Subsequently, Havoc joined Commander Colt, Blitz, and the other trainers in overseeing the final assessment of the clone cadets, commencing with Bravo Squad and later Domino Squad. Following the graduation of the clone cadet class, Havoc was present during their deployment onto an Acclamator-class assault ship, leading a portion of the class while Colt led another. After a speech from Jedi General Shaak Ti, who was in charge of all clone training, and a call to attention by Blitz, Havoc and Colt guided the newly graduated clones to the assault ship.

Havoc and Commander Colt remained stationed on Kamino. When the Separatist leader, General Grievous, and the assassin Asajj Ventress unexpectedly attacked Kamino, Havoc designated troopers Fives and Echo as sharpshooters. He then joined other clone troopers in repelling the Trident-class assault ships and aqua droids. During the battle, he told 99 to stay away, stating that it was not his place to fight. As 99 was running, Havoc was struck twice by aqua droids. The first shot, which hit his shoulder-plating pauldron armor, did not kill him, but he was fatally shot in the face shortly afterward. Despite his death, the clone troopers successfully defended Kamino against the Separatists.
As with all clone troopers, Havoc was implanted at birth by Kaminoan scientists with a behavioral modification biochip. This was done to ensure compliance with specific orders. As an ARC trooper, Havoc wore white Phase I ARC Trooper Armor featuring blue markings. This included a helmet equipped with a rangefinder, a kama, a double pauldron, additional gray armor plating on the chest, arms, and legs, a survival pack, and two holsters for DC-17 repeater hand blasters. Furthermore, Havoc carried a DC-15A blaster rifle and ammunition cartridges attached to his chest plates.