Darth Sidious gives Clone Commander Rex Order 66.
The 150 general orders, officially called the Executive Order Codes for the Grand Army of the Republic, comprised a collection of instructions that each clone trooper in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army was required to memorize. The Republic Security Council of the Galactic Senate, along with the Supreme Chancellor, possessed the authority to activate any of these orders. One such directive, Order 65, designated the Supreme Chancellor as an enemy of the Republic, while another, Order 66, identified the Jedi Order as an enemy of the Republic. Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor who was secretly a Dark Lord of the Sith, issued Order 66, which was then carried out by the Republic's clone troopers who were tasked with locating and killing all Jedi. The Great Jedi Purge and the conclusion of the Clone Wars were both consequences of Order 66.
The 150 general orders were initially referenced within the new Star Wars canon in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 addition to the Star Wars Roleplaying series produced by Fantasy Flight Games. These orders initially surfaced in Star Wars Legends continuity as Contingency Orders for the Grand Army of the Republic: Order Initiation, Orders 1 Through 150. This occurred within the junior novelization of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, penned by Patricia C. Wrede and released in 2005.
- Rise of the Separatists (Initial Mention)
- " The End of the Clone Wars " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire (First time identified as Executive Order Codes for the Grand Army of the Republic)