
Nub, an acronym for "Non-Useful Body," was a clone trooper who fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Their duty was to monitor the listening post at Rishi Station, providing early warning of any Separatist incursions near Rishi. When the station's commanding officer, Clone Sergeant O'Niner, lost communication with the deck officer, he dispatched Nub and a fellow trooper, Droidbait, to investigate. Tragically, both were shot and killed by invading battle droids during their mission.


Within the Kaminoan cloning facilities, the clone trooper known as Nub was produced to fight for the Grand Army of the Republic in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The nickname "Nub" was an abbreviation of the unflattering phrase "Non-Useful Body." In 22 BBY, Nub, alongside several other inexperienced clone [troopers](/article/trooper], was stationed at Rishi Station, a Republic listening post situated on the moon of Rishi. Under the command of Clone Sergeant O'Niner, Nub and the other troopers in the Rishi unit kept watch over surrounding star systems, charged with alerting the Republic to any Separatist activity.

Without their knowledge, General Grievous of the Separatists was planning an assault on the nearby planet Kamino, the original homeworld of the clone army. As a prelude, Separatist forces infiltrated Rishi Station. When invading BX-series droid commandos killed CT-327, the deck officer, Sergeant O'Niner lost communication with him via comlink and ordered Nub and another trooper, "Droidbait," to locate CT-327.

The droids killed Nub and Droidbait, then moved on to O'Niner, who tried to hold them off.

Donning their helmets, the two clones proceeded unarmed through the base towards the entrance. En route, they encountered a squad of commando battle droids and, surprised, were immediately fired upon by the droids, resulting in their deaths. The sounds of the skirmish alerted the other clones within the base. Sergeant O'Niner seized a blaster and attempted to engage the commando droids, but he too was killed. Despite the loss of their comrades, the surviving clone troopers managed to escape through a ventilation shaft and ultimately destroyed the station to warn the Republic about Grievous's impending attack.

Personality and traits

As with all clone troopers in the Republic Military, Nub was created using the DNA of bounty hunter Jango Fett. Being a clone of Fett, Nub was a human standing 1.83 meters tall. They possessed tan skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Nub immediately followed Sergeant O'Niner's order to find CT-327, an act that ultimately led to their demise.


During their assignment at Rishi Station, Nub was equipped with white Phase I clone trooper armor.

Behind the scenes

Nub's first appearance was as an unnamed clone in "Rookies," the fifth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' first season, which was broadcast on October 24, 2008. They were later identified as "Nub" in the episode guide on

