
CT-327, a clone trooper, held the position of deck officer within the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Stationed at Rishi Station, CT-327 met his death when Separatist BX-series droid commandos infiltrated the facility, intending to launch an assault on Kamino.


Like all his clone brothers, CT-327 was a clone trooper who came into existence on the world of Kamino. During the conflict of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, CT-327 served as a deck officer at Rishi Station, a Galactic Republic outpost situated on the Rishi Moon, which was in proximity to Kamino. While the other clone troopers remained inside the base, CT-327 was performing his assigned duties, patrolling the exterior of the base and reporting that he had observed no unusual activity.

CT-327 is electrocuted by commando droids.

During CT-327's external patrol, a meteor shower took place, resulting in several meteorites impacting the base's deflector shield and the area surrounding the base. After this event, CT-327 utilized his electrobinoculars to survey the area, where he observed a Droch-class boarding ship that had crashed on the surface of the moon. Suddenly, a Separatist BX-series droid commando appeared before him, catching him by surprise. Subsequently, CT-327 was electrocuted and killed from behind by another BX-series commando droid. Following CT-327's demise, additional BX-series droid commandos disembarked from the boarding ship and proceeded to infiltrate the base. After Sergeant O'Niner, the commanding officer of the station, made several failed attempts to reach CT-327, and after Fives was unable to locate him, O'Niner gave the order for Droidbait and Nub to venture outside and locate him.

As Droidbait and Nub approached a set of blast doors that provided access to the outside, the BX-series droid commandos emerged and eliminated them, along with Sergeant O'Niner. The remaining clones, consisting of Echo, Fives, Cutup, and Hevy, made their escape through the ventilation shaft, allowing the droid commandos to successfully seize control of the Republic base. However, the Separatists were forced to withdraw when an inspection team, composed of Clone Commander CC-2224 "Cody" and Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex", managed to rendezvous with the surviving clones. The base was subsequently destroyed by Republic forces in order to alert the Republic Navy and deny the Separatists a staging point for their planned invasion of Kamino.

Behind the scenes

CT-327 made his first appearance in "Rookies," a 2008 episode from the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The designation number of CT-327 represents another instance of the usage of the number 327.

