A Bahryn meteorite.
A meteorite refers to a celestial body that has impacted the surface of a planet after traveling through space. Commander Luke Skywalker mistakenly thought a meteorite had struck near Echo Base on the frozen world of Hoth; however, it turned out to be an Imperial probe droid.
In our reality, a meteorite is actually a meteoroid (a fragment of rock or iron in orbit around our sun) that survives its journey through the Earth's (or another planet's) atmosphere and makes it to the ground. Conversely, the term meteor describes the luminous trail observed when a meteoroid enters the atmosphere and disintegrates before reaching the surface; this is why they are commonly referred to as "shooting stars."
The terms meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite are often confused because they are used interchangeably in common conversation. Specifically, "meteor" is frequently applied to a meteoroid travelling in outer space, a glowing meteoroid within the atmosphere (rather than the luminous streak), a landed object (such as the one that created Meteor Crater, a well-known impact site in Arizona), or even a human-made object.