A droid attack flare, which is also referred to as an alert flare, was a type of flare utilized by the Grand Army of the Republic forces of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars in their conflict against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The purpose of firing a droid attack flare was to signal a warning of approaching danger to allied units. For instance, shortly after the attack by Separatist commando droids on the Republic's Rishi Moon base in 22 BBY, the remaining clones made use of the droid attack flare to notify Clone Captain Rex and Clone Commander [Cody](/article/cody], who had recently arrived, about the impending threat of battle droids.
The alert flare, or droid attack flare, functioned as a flare employed by the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic's military force, the Grand Army of the Republic, throughout the Clone Wars in their battles against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When launched into the air, this flare served as a warning signal to nearby allied forces, emitting a red light to indicate danger.

In the year 22 BBY, not long after the start of the Clone Wars, Separatist commando droids attacked and seized control of the Rishi Station listening post situated on the Rishi Moon. Clone troopers Echo, Fives, and Hevy, who survived the assault, fled the base and sought refuge in the surrounding area, just as Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex were arriving at the outpost for an inspection visit.
While the two clone officers were unknowingly in conversation with a commando droid disguised in clone armor, Hevy discharged a droid attack flare. This action was intended to inform the pair about the infiltration by the Separatists. Cody was initially taken aback by the flare, but Rex swiftly grasped its meaning and used his blaster pistol to shoot the droid they had been addressing. Subsequently, the two clones found themselves ambushed by a larger group of commando droids. However, they succeeded in escaping and, after reuniting with the three surviving clones, promptly reclaimed control of the base.
The initial appearance of a droid attack flare occurred in "Rookies," which is the fifth episode within the first season of the animated television program Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This episode was originally broadcast on October 24, 2008. The corresponding episode guide on StarWars.com identified it as an alert flare.