Clone trooper officer

Clone Officers, alternatively referred to as Clone trooper officers, were clone troopers functioning as officers within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. This conflict spanned the pan-galactic landscape, pitting the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Within the Republic Navy, clones in officer roles were designated as clone navigation officers.

The hierarchy of clone trooper officers included various grades. Some clones underwent specialized training for advanced positions, while others achieved higher ranks through promotion. The rank of Clone Commander was typically the highest attainable for clones. These commanders were responsible for leading regiments composed of sixteen companies.



Clone trooper officers, such as Clone Captains, Clone Commanders, or Clone Lieutenant, held positions of authority in the Republic Military.

Officers who were clone troopers, also known as Clone Officers, functioned as military officers in the Grand Army of the Republic, the Galactic Republic Navy, and the medical branches of the Republic Military. When not wearing clone trooper armor, clone officers donned a dark blue uniform, a style also worn by clone navigation officers. These officers served on or commanded Galactic Republic starships, assisting superior Republic officers.

Clone medical officers wore a white version of the naval clone uniform and were stationed at medical space stations, commanding hospital ships. Eventually, medical officer clones adopted a distinct uniform featuring red stripes and insignia.

Ranks and duties

Grand Army of the Republic

The Grand Army of the Republic was commanded by clone trooper officers, who in turn served under Jedi officers.

Clone trooper officers held various military ranks, each with its own set of responsibilities and authority. Within the Grand Army of the Republic, a Clone Lieutenant acted as the leader of a platoon and its contingent of four Clone Sergeants. A Clone Captain, in turn, commanded a company of troopers, which was made up of four platoons. Furthermore, Clone Captains could also serve as the second-in-command to a legion's commanding officer.

The rank above Clone Captain was Clone Commander. Clone troopers holding this rank were capable of leading battalions, regiments, or even legions within the Grand Army. Surpassing Clone Commander was the senior rank of Clone Marshal Commander, who possessed the authority to command an entire corps. Members of special forces, notably Advanced Recon Commandos, could achieve the rank of Clone ARC Commander. Clone majors also served within the Republic Army.

Republic Navy

Republic warships were crewed by clone naval officers.

The Republic Navy employed clone officers who held the ranks of Clone Captain and Clone Commander. A Clone Captain might serve aboard a Star Destroyer, working alongside a Clone Commander. In addition, Clone Captains could command sub-capital ships, such as a Pelta-class Medical Frigate or a Consular-class c70 cruiser.

