The Consular-class cruiser (Charger c70 retrofit), also known by designations such as the Consular-class frigate, the Consular-class Armed Cruiser, the Charger C70 Combat Refit, or simply the Republic frigate, represented a combat-focused modification of the Consular-class light cruiser. These vessels were utilized by the Galactic Republic throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. Originating from Judicial Forces starships and modified under the auspices of Project Supercharger, the Charger c70 variant was distinguished by its newly installed battle-armored hull and laser turrets, becoming a crucial asset for the Republic Navy during the galactic conflict.

The Republic frigate, or Charger c70 retrofit, was manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, utilizing the pre-existing framework of their Consular-class light cruiser. Measuring 138.55-meters in length, it was slightly larger than the original Consular design, which measured 115 meters. The most notable difference between the Charger c70 and its predecessor was its specialized combat configuration. In contrast to the unarmed Judicial cruiser, the Charger c70 was armed with four heavy laser cannons mounted in turrets (located ventrally, port and starboard, and dorsally, port and starboard), a twin light laser cannon positioned at the front, and a quad laser cannon mounted in a dorsal turret. Additionally, it incorporated forward twin concussion missile launchers and enhanced armored hull plating.
Similar to the Consular-class, the Charger c70 was equipped with three sublight engines, but it boasted a faster speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour, compared to the Consular-class's 900 kph. It included a forward navigational sensor dish, docking rings on the port and starboard sides, a communications and sensor dish located towards the stern, and a deflector shield generator, with improved models added during the refitting process. The ship also contained four Republic escape pods and a detachable salon pod situated in the bow beneath the bridge for diplomatic engagements.
During the Clone Wars, Republic frigates were widely deployed and fulfilled a variety of functions. While frequently used as escort vessels and armored transports, they were particularly effective as scout ships or pickets. In some instances, they also served as hospital ships.

Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the newly established and largely unprepared Republic Navy was compelled to utilize existing spacecraft for combat roles. The Consular-class space cruiser, already in service with the Judicial Forces and the Republic Diplomatic Corps, was selected for this purpose by the Department of Naval Procurement due to its inherent speed and resilience. Working with Corellian Engineering, the Department initiated Project Supercharger, with the aim of converting Consular frigates into combat-ready vessels. By the time of the Battle of Christophsis in 22 BBY, Charger c70s were already in operation, with the Swift Return being destroyed by Admiral Trench. During the Battle of Ryloth, Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi Order utilized a Republic frigate to travel to Rugosa accompanied by his clone trooper escort, in order to negotiate a potential alliance with Katuunko, the King of Toydaria. Upon arrival, their vessel was ambushed by two Separatist Munificent-class star frigates.
Republic frigates were also participants in the Defense of Rishi Station, serving as part of the Republic fleet under the command of Kenobi and Skywalker. After General Grievous acquired Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, R2-D2's data remained intact, allowing Grievous to briefly access Republic military strategies and information, including specifics about Republic frigates. Following the capture of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray on Rodia, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Ahsoka Tano employed a Republic frigate to transport Gunray from the planet's surface to the Tranquility, a Venator-class Star Destroyer orbiting Rodia, where they docked. After Separatist agents successfully freed Gunray, they used the same Republic frigate to make their escape.

When Jedi General Aayla Secura's task force came under attack from Separatist naval forces, resulting in the Battle of Quell, Skywalker, Tano, and their forces arrived to assist in the evacuation of Secura and her troops. During the engagement, a Republic frigate docked with Secura's flagship, the Liberty, and after Skywalker sustained critical injuries during the evacuation, they planned to dock with the Resolute, Skywalker's flagship under the command of Admiral Yularen. However, during the docking procedure, vulture droid starfighters attacked the frigate, destroying its forward navigational dish and sensor, and damaging the bridge, resulting in the deaths of the pilots. The damage inadvertently caused the vessel's hyperdrive to activate, requiring it to take evasive action to avoid colliding with the Resolute before jumping into hyperspace while still within the atmosphere. When the frigate was found to be on a collision course with a star, Secura, Tano, and others disabled the power to exit hyperspace.
The Republic frigate made its initial appearance in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars film. It was first officially identified as the Republic frigate in the Encyclopedia, and its designation as a Charger c70 retrofit was confirmed in the 2018 canon reference book, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles.