Toydaria, situated within the Mid Rim Territories' Hutt Space, served as the original homeworld for the Toydarian species.
This planet, a part of the Toydaria system and found in the Hutt Space section of the Mid Rim, presented a generally temperate environment. Its surface was characterized by a combination of forests and swamps, with significant portions blanketed by mats of algae. The atmosphere typically exhibited a foggy quality, tinged with a greenish cast. N'Omis flowers were native to the planet.
As the homeworld of the Toydarians, Toydaria was where they constructed muck nests and inhabited the atmospheric regions above muck lakes. The species organized themselves into clans, where a Toydarian clan bell could be a symbol of a noble family. During the concluding decades of both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, Toydaria was under the governance of a feudal monarchy, specifically the Toydarian kingdom, and heavily influenced by Toydarian royalty. The planet's economy involved exporting consumables and labor, while importing technology and other consumables. Certain cities on Toydaria's surface attained a size sufficient to be observed from space, and monsoons of similar scale were capable of forming on the planet.
In the final decades of the Galactic Republic, Toydaria, a planet in the Mid Rim that maintained neutrality, was ruled by a monarch. During the Clone Wars, a widespread conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, King Katuunko, the reigning monarch of Toydaria, opted to remain neutral, making his planet of strategic value to both sides. However, following a diplomatic mission led by Senator Bail Organa and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, and opposed by Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation, which involved the Republic utilizing Toydarian territory as a staging ground for delivering aid to the war-torn Twi'leks of Ryloth with the king's approval, Katuunko chose to align with the Republic.
Later in the conflict, Count Dooku, the Separatist leader, instructed his new assassin Savage Opress to capture King Katuunko alive, under threat of severe punishment. This mission took a turn when Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker intercepted Opress on Toydaria, leading to Opress killing Katuunko in a fit of anger. This outcome displeased Dooku, resulting in Opress being severely punished with Force lightning.
Toydaria was initially seen in "Supply Lines," a Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode that initially aired on September 24, 2010.