Hyperspace Stories 11

Hyperspace Stories #11, an all-ages anthology comic book series that is part of the canon, marks the eleventh installment of Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories. Dark Horse Comics released this issue, with writing by Amanda Deibert and illustrations by Megan Huang, on November 22, 2023.

Publisher's summary

Yoda and Mace Windu, both Jedi masters, are tasked with accompanying a Republic delegation to an excavation site where rumors suggest a hidden collection of ancient Jedi items lies. The powerful pull of the Force soon attracts unwanted attention, as the group faces an assault from raiders determined to seize the relics, even if it means confronting two Jedi Knights!

Plot summary

On the world of Bursant, Mace Windu, a Jedi Master, voices his reservations to Morse, an Iktotchi archaeologist, about allowing younglings to visit the dig site. Morse counters, arguing that opportunities to discover ancient Jedi artifacts are rare and present invaluable educational experiences, especially during such troubled times. While Yoda, the Grand Master, interacts with the younglings, Mace Windu detects a powerful artifact and senses a disturbance in the Force. Mace questions Morse about the site's security, to which Morse replies that the area is sparsely populated by peaceful locals. Suddenly, the native Bursantians launch an attack with spears and other melee weapons. Windu and Yoda swiftly employ the Force to repel the assailants and evacuate the younglings. During their retreat, Yoda encounters a Bursantian holding a Jedi padawan, who is then released and told to flee. Understanding the situation, Yoda urges Windu to leave, and when Mace inquires about the artifacts, Yoda insists that something more significant is at stake. As they escape, the two Jedi realize the Bursantians are ill-equipped for combat, leading them to suspect a deeper motive behind the attack.

Later, gathered around a fire, Windu deduces that the Bursantians were poorly trained mercenaries. While meditating, they are approached by a Bursantian who confesses to being paid credits to steal the treasures but was unaware of the presence of younglings. Claiming to have children of his own, he reveals that they were instructed to relocate the artifacts to an abandoned settlement. After the younglings are safely moved, he guides the two Jedi to the settlement, but they sense an ambush. They are soon attacked by battle droids and Bursantians. Windu questions the Bursantian's deception, to which he replies that he only cares about the safety of the younglings, not theirs, and that he had no choice in his actions.

Count Dooku then appears, declaring that he has acquired the powerful artifact he sought. He presents the Jedi with a choice: capture him or save the younglings, and then he hurls debris towards the fleeing children. Windu swiftly uses the Force to shield the younglings from harm, while Yoda confronts Dooku, deflecting Force lightning with his lightsaber. Dooku's arrogance leads him to disregard Windu, allowing Mace to surprise him from the side, redirecting the debris back at him. With Dooku temporarily subdued, the Wookiee Viiveenn seizes the powerful artifact and flees with it. As Dooku escapes, the Jedi and others, including Jedi Master Mayanka Catrine, return to their ships. Windu laments Dooku's escape and the destruction of most of the artifacts, but Yoda reassures him that the younglings are safe, and everything truly important remains secure.


The Bursantian species featured in Hyperspace Stories 11 were designed by Megan Huang. Huang provided a sneak peek of artwork from the issue on October 22, 2023.


