Hyperspace Stories 5

Hyperspace Stories #5 represents the fifth installment in the canon anthology series of all-ages comic books, titled Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories. Amanda Deibert penned the script for this issue, while Riccardo Facinni and Dan Jackson provided the illustrations. Dark Horse Comics released it on May 24, 2023. This particular issue showcases the narrative called "The Betrayal".

Summary from the Publisher

A dark tale of wickedness and secret schemes unfolds during the Clone Wars' most trying times.

Sent by the infamous Count Dooku, the Sith assassin Asajj Ventress hunts her target from the Outer Rim to the peaceful world of Naboo. But who is she after? And can even the Jedi stop her?

Venture into the Dark Side with Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #5!

Plot Synopsis

At a Republic command center known as Outpost 716, Asajj Ventress ambushes and eliminates several clone troopers on patrol. Soon after, Jedi Master Mayanka Catrine confronts her, engaging her in lightsaber combat, and mocks Dooku's apprentice, stating that she'll be the least Jedi she meets before being captured. Catrine successfully subdues Ventress, using her padawan Agustin to trip her, rendering her helpless. Ventress is then imprisoned in a detention cell. Days later, clones attempt to deliver food to her, but one mentions it's pointless since she survives on spite alone. As they leave, they mention that General Catrine wanted Ventress to be well cared for while she was away on her mission, Ventress realizes that the Jedi have left the base.

Elsewhere, Count Dooku assures Darth Sidious that the outpost will soon fall, as Ventress will succeed where Grievous failed. Sidious is less confident in Ventress than Dooku, but Dooku reminds his master that she is expendable. Ventress arrives, and after confirming the outpost's capture, she demands the title of Sith Lord. Dooku refuses, stating she hasn't proven herself yet, and tasks her with finding an ancient Jedi artifact that even Sidious couldn't obtain. When Dooku tells her to use the dark side to guide her, Ventress is enraged that this is all they have to work with, but Dooku punishes her with Force lightning. As she tries to retaliate, she feels an energy pulling her towards the artifact due to her hatred, pleasing Dooku.

Ventress travels to the ruins of a Jedi Temple on the Moon of Staggec, sensing the artifact's former presence. She informs Dooku, but he dismisses her attempts and forbids further contact until she has the artifact. When Grievous' failure is mentioned, Ventress realizes she was Dooku's second choice, and is warned that her life depends on her success. Leaving the temple, Ventress is surrounded by clone troopers, informed of her location by Chancellor Palpatine. She easily defeats them and contacts her master, suggesting a spy within their ranks. Dooku suggests it's a test, and Ventress uses the Force to track the artifact to Naboo. She finds a young Gungan girl, but when she tries to steal the girl's doll, she is attacked by Jedi Anakin Skywalker, forcing her to flee. She escapes to the rooftops, leading Anakin to recklessly pursue her despite Obi-Wan's warnings. From a distance, she hopes Anakin is punished, but is surprised when Obi-Wan tells his padawan to slow down and trust others. Ventress finds this pathetic and finds the Gungan girl again, but decides against taking the doll and leaves Naboo empty-handed.

Upon returning to Dooku, she explains that she was very close to acquiring the artifact, but is punished for her failure and told she will never be a Sith Lord. Dooku orders her to leave, stating that only her success matters. Once alone, Ventress reveals that she intentionally left the artifact on Naboo, denying Dooku what he desires.

Canon Implications

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are depicted with the appearances they have in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series in the novel Brotherhood, replacing their designs from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. This implies that stories featuring Kenobi and Skywalker with their Attack of the Clones designs occur before Brotherhood. However, despite Skywalker and Kenobi having their Attack of the Clones designs (minus the Padawan braid for Skywalker), Hyperspace Stories 5 must be set after Brotherhood: Skywalker and Ventress meet for the first time in Brotherhood and he recognizes her in Hyperspace Stories 5. Therefore, Skywalker and Kenobi must have reverted to their previous clothing and hairstyle choices at some point.

Cover Images

