Christophsis blockade

A blockade fleet belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems saw action at the beginning of the Clone Wars, notably during the Battle of Christophsis. This fleet was commanded by CIS Admiral Trench.


The blockade fleet was under the leadership of Admiral Trench, assisted by Commander TI-99. Admiral Trench directed operations from his flagship, the Invincible, a Providence-class Dreadnought. Supporting the dreadnought were six Lucrehulk-class Battleships, alongside a minimum of twenty-three Munificent-class star frigates. In addition, the fleet also possessed at least one Hardcell-class Battle Refit and no less than eight C-9979 landing craft. Vulture-class starfighters along with Hyena-class Droid Fighter/Bombers were also components of the fleet's air support.


Relatively soon after the First Battle of Geonosis at the dawn of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems seized control of the Outer Rim planet of Christophsis. This acquisition enabled the CIS to gain access to the Corellian Run in addition to a resource-rich world. Anticipating a Republic counter-offensive, the CIS established a thirty ship blockade around the planet, overseen by Admiral Trench. The fleet also had the secondary purpose of trapping Senator Bail Organa, his relief force, and preventing outside aid from reaching the planet. The blockade clashed with the Republic Navy on several occasions during the battle, ultimately being broken when Republic reinforcements arrived, commanded by Jedi General Yoda and Admiral Wullf Yularen.

