Harches, residing on the planet of Secundus Ando within the Mid Rim, were a formidable species that resembled a spider-like humanoid with sentient capabilities. These beings, characterized by six red eyes and six arms, also possessed a pair of chelicerae located near their mouths. Known for their longevity, Harches exhibited grey skin and were covered in brown or white hair. A distinctive trait of the Harches was their tendency to produce clicking sounds during speech. A notable male Harch was Admiral Trench, a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Trench stood out as one of the largest individuals within his species.

The sentient Harch species, genetically related to the Aqualish, possessed a unique physiology stemming from arachnid ancestors known for their elaborate webs. While shorter and more robust compared to the average human, Harches maintained a similar weight due to their resilient exoskeleton covered in hair ranging from brown to light gray. Their anatomy included eight limbs: six functional arms and two legs. The arms featured hairless, three-fingered, dark pink hands, while the legs ended in furred, two-toed feet. Harches were known for their extended lifespans, retaining strength for well over a century, with rumors suggesting some could live for several centuries.
Their heads were distinguished by two prominent primary eyes, positioned beneath two pairs of smaller eyes, and above two large, protruding jaws or chelicerae. All eyes were red, with the smaller ones adept at detecting movement and light variations, but less capable of perceiving color or detail. The species exhibited genetic diversity, with various subspecies, some inheriting spinerets or venom from their arachnid forebears. While Harches consumed solid meat and vegetation, they favored a diet rich in liquid proteins.

Characterized by individualism, precision, and aggression, Harches traditionally pursued personal interests and greed with little regard for their homeworld or collective identity. This inclination hindered the development of a unified Harch identity, resulting in the emergence of diverse cultural groups with varying norms. The species' individualism impeded the formation of large armies, limiting conflicts to skirmishes between smaller groups. Consequently, traditional Harch society lacked conventional warfare, although the species was capable of violence.
Harch society was governed by ruling nests, families with traceable lineage spanning generations, despite not being formal aristocracy. These nests cultivated expertise in social graces, diplomacy, negotiation, and leadership. Unbeknownst to the Harch populace, these nests had manipulated Harch society for centuries, fostering militant patriotism and a desire for war, with the ultimate aim of establishing a Harch empire under their aristocratic rule.
The Harch inhabited their homeworld, Secundus Ando, a temperate planet riddled with caverns in the Mid Rim's Lambda sector. Affluent ruling nests resided in expansive, rugged trees rooted in the planet's protected ecological parks. The high cost of living in these parks rendered real estate unaffordable for the average Harch citizen. Consequently, most Harch lived in industrial megacities resembling mechanical versions of the ruling class's arboreal homes, with towering spires and cloudcutters emitting waste gas from war factories below. The Harch's fervent desire for war fueled the expansion of the war industry onto artificial islands in their oceans, partly due to the extensive protected territories of the nests.
Following the Andoan Wars, the nests united the Harch under a common purpose, shifting societal attitudes toward pro-homeworld and antigalaxy sentiments. Harch who remained on their homeworld exhibited greater cooperation and adherence to social hierarchies, forming a robust information network for the ruling nests. They also collaborated with offworld Harch, exchanging information and contacts that the ruling nests used to enhance Secundus Ando or support members of the species abroad.

This shift influenced even Harch language. For centuries, Aqualish had been the primary language due to the proximity of Aqualish neighbors, with Galactic Basic Standard as a secondary language, both spoken with a rapid clicking "accent." After the Andoan Wars, Harchic became the official language of Secundus Ando and the primary language of the species, although older generations still favored Aqualish or Basic. Younger generations adopted Harchic as their sole language, which posed challenges for Harch seeking to explore the species' alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
During the Clone Wars, the Harch passionately supported the war, elevating military leaders like Admiral Trench to near-divine status. However, most Harch lacked interest in maintaining an empire, focusing instead on the spoils of war, which included the razing of the Andoan Free Colonies, and the prestige and profit of recognition from the ruling government, whether Republic or Separatist, to become significant players in galactic politics. The ruling nests intended to capitalize on this ignorance.

As the Harch expanded from Secundus Ando into the galaxy, driven by the ruling nests, their aggression and greed aligned with the totalitarian government of their home sector, the Spiverelda. Over decades, the ruling nests supported the Spiverelda in exchange for wealth and information. More than twenty years before the Clone Wars, the Harch ruling nests backed the Spiverelda in the Andoan Wars against the Andoan Free Colonies, envisioning a "Great Harch Prosperity." They redirected Secundus Ando's industry toward warfare, a militarization that might have subsided had the Republic not intervened to support the Free Colonies.
Feeling insulted and deprived of profits and spoils, the Harch continued producing weapons rather than transitioning to peacetime production. Ignoring Republic restrictions, they sold weaponry to corporate interests, fueling the drums of war for two decades until the Confederacy of Independent Systems offered them a place in their government and a reason to join the Clone Wars against the Republic. With the ruling nests negotiating the terms, the Harch eagerly joined, seeking justice and to restore their wounded pride. Around this time, they established their first planet-wide standing army.
During their alliance with the Confederacy, the Harch prospered, although they maintained their distrust of other species. They expected an equal partnership with the Separatists, anticipating support for the new Harch ascendancy. The ruling nests were prepared to turn on their allies if the Separatist government acted against Harch interests, believing it to be their right.

In earlier times, individual Harch roamed the galaxy seeking fortune, their loyalties divided by corporations rather than nationalism. They often felt no greater allegiance to other Harch than to friends of other species. Some returned to their homeworld, while others established communities on new worlds, integrating local culture. Even after the cultural shift following the Andoan Wars, many solitary Harch remained scattered throughout the galaxy. These Harch, with a broader view of galactic politics, were still influenced by pro-homeworld, antigalaxy sentiments and began collaborating with Harch society on Secundus Ando, providing information and contacts to the ruling nests in exchange for support.
The Harch Vol Garat worked as a bounty hunter during the High Republic Era. Partnering with the Path of the Open Hand cult, Garat fought the Jedi Order during the Night of Sorrow and observed how something could bring even the Jedi to their knees. Garat sought this power and, one hundred and fifty years later, joined Path descendant Marchion Ro in locating the journal of Jedi Azlin Rell, which detailed a threat to the Jedi: beings that "ate" the Force, known as the "Nameless." However, Jedi Master Arkoff, who had fought Garat over a century earlier during the Night of Sorrow and its aftermath, intervened and secured the journal before Garat could escape.
The introduction of Harches occurred in "Cat and Mouse," specifically episode sixteen of season two from the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The species' identification was initially found within Admiral Trench's entry in the now defunct Encyclopedia, a detail that remains accessible via the Encyclopedia's successor, the Databank.