Protein was an integral part of numerous foodstuffs and a required nutrient in the diets of certain species, notably humans. Its ingestion furnished creatures with a source of energy.
A substance known as protein was present in a wide array of foodstuffs. While often linked to meat, protein could be obtained from various origins, encompassing certain vegetables and even chaakroaches. Given that protein was a vital dietary component for humans and other species, starving creatures sometimes resorted to consuming creatures typically viewed as pests, such as screerats, vervikks, or the vegicus. On the planet Naboo, fish served as a primary protein source. Porgs, a type of avian life native to Ahch-To, possessed high levels of both fat and protein, rendering them a readily available and energy-rich food, provided one disregarded the facial expressions of live porgs.
Ration packs might feature items largely or wholly composed of protein, such as protein cubes, protein mush, and protein paste. Within the Galactic Empire, officers were expected to consume liquid meals that incorporated both vitamins and protein. The typical food intake of a First Order stormtrooper mainly consisted of protein, dispensed as an unflavored and unsweetened paste packet.
Parwan Nutricakes were baked goods that lacked meat, yet the chef Strono Tuggs asserted contained enough protein to fuel a being through all their activities.