Battle of Malastare Narrows

The Battle at Malastare Narrows unfolded at the location of Malastare Narrows in the year 34 BBY. Admiral Trench of the Corporate Alliance established a blockade around the planet of Malastare. Subsequently, a Galactic Republic fleet, which included the human Wullf Yularen as a prominent officer, launched an attack on Trench's forces. Trench decisively defeated them, inflicting heavy casualties on the Republic. The conflict reached its conclusion when a task force commanded by Jedi Master Kep-She obliterated Trench's flagship, leading to the presumed death of Trench. Despite this, Trench survived and later encountered Yularen again during the Battle of Christophsis in 22 BBY.

Lead-up to the Battle

In the year 34 BBY, more than a decade prior to the start of the Clone Wars, a Corporate Alliance fleet, under the command of the Harch Admiral Trench, who was considered the Alliance's finest commander, initiated a blockade surrounding the planet Malastare. Attempts to resolve the situation through diplomacy proved unsuccessful.

Course of the Battle

Admiral Trench led the Corporate fleet during the battle.

A fleet of Galactic Republic vessels belonging to the Republic Navy, with the human Wullf Yularen as a key officer, engaged Trench's fleet at Malastare Narrows on numerous occasions. Trench repeatedly drove back the Republic forces, inflicting substantial losses with apparent ease, thus securing a reputation as a formidable naval commander and decimating much of Yularen's contingent.

Ultimately, the situation was resolved when a task force led by Jedi Master Kep-She intervened against the Corporate fleet. This Jedi-led task force successfully destroyed Trench's flagship, leading to the presumption of the admiral's demise, and restored order to Malastare.


Following the battle, Yularen transitioned from the navy to the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, haunted by nightmares of Trench, who had become a significant adversary for him. However, Trench revealed his survival by leading the Separatist blockade during the Battle of Christophsis in 22 BBY, once again facing Yularen. During the Battle of Christophsis, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker referenced Trench's supposed death in the previous battle, prompting Yularen to recount his experiences to Skywalker.

Behind the scenes information

The Battle of Malastare Narrows was initially referenced in "Cat and Mouse," the sixteenth episode of the second season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was broadcast on March 26, 2010. The seventy-eighth edition of De Agostini's Star Wars Helmet Collection magazine, released around October 17, 2017, alternatively referred to the conflict as the Battle of the Malastare Narrows.

