A circular saw as utilized by a Pistoeka sabotage droid.
A buzz saw, also known as a circular saw, functioned as a cutting implement. It consisted of a circular metal component that rotated, featuring sharp blades extending from its outer edge. A variety of droids, including astromech droids in addition to toy droids, were manufactured incorporating buzz saws.
During 230 BBY, the Nihil pirate group employed a sizable, modified buzz saw when they ambushed Jedi Masters Yoda and Kantam Sy amidst the Battle of the Corellian Shipyards. Throughout the Clone Wars conflict, Pistoeka sabotage droids were equipped with circular saws, which allowed them to breach the hulls of starships while in battle. In 9 BBY, L0-LA59 utilized her saw as a means to sever the ropes binding Leia Organa following her kidnapping. Similarly, in 4 ABY, R2-D2 deployed his circular saw to liberate both himself, and his companions, from an Ewok constructed trap during their mission on Endor.