Kantam Sy

During the High Republic Era, Kantam Sy served as a Jedi Master. They identified as non-binary and belonged to the human species. Before becoming a Master, Sy was the Padawan of Grand Master Yoda. Later, Sy took on Lula Talisola as their apprentice, rescuing her from Naboo while on a leave from the Jedi Order. Following a Nihil attack on Trymant IV, the Force-sensitive Zeen Mrala arrived at the Starlight Beacon. Sy advocated for Mrala's continued stay, despite her age being a barrier to Jedi training, due to her friendship with Talisola and the other young Jedi. Sy later fought alongside Yoda and Torban Buck against Nihil forces in a skirmish within the Bright Jewel system.


Early life

During the High Republic Era, Kantam Sy, a nonbinary human, possessed sensitivity to the Force. As a member of the Jedi Order, they began their training as Padawan to Grand Master Yoda. In their youth, Sy demonstrated higher proficiency in combat, meditation, and other Jedi skills compared to many senior Jedi. However, some questioned why Yoda had not yet promoted the skilled Padawan to the rank of Knight. Sy was not concerned with a quick advancement; they understood that something more profound, recognized by both themselves and Yoda, needed to occur first.

While on Endovar, Sy encountered Aytar, an eighteen-year-old male performer in a circus, whose presence in Sy's life felt like a powerful event. They quickly developed feelings for each other, and after four days, Sy realized they needed to experience the unpredictable and complex aspects of life outside the Jedi Temple. With Yoda's approval, they embarked on a walkabout, taking leave from the Order.

Sy and Aytar became lovers, living and traveling together while working in the circus. Their relationship eventually ended amicably, and Sy released their attachment to Aytar and continued their travels. They held various jobs, including messenger, mechanic, smuggler, waiter, and bodyguard. One of these roles involved working as a courier between diplomats on Alderaan and Naboo, requiring them to travel between the two planets frequently.

While on Naboo, Sy sensed a disturbance in the Force and witnessed a kolvor, a large bird known locally as vangartraks (vanishers) among mountain villagers because of its ability to carry off children. The kolvor had seized a boy and a girl playing in a park under the care of an orphanage worker. Sy decided that saving the children was more important than delivering the message. The former Jedi chased the kolvor up a mountain until it dropped both children. Using the Force, Sy slowed the fall of the girl, Lula Talisola, while the boy disappeared into the trees. As Sy rescued Talisola, they noticed she had mirrored Sy's actions, reaching out her hand to save the boy.

After being away from the Jedi for over a year, meeting Talisola confirmed to Sy that their place in the galaxy was with the Order. The young girl and the returning Jedi located Yoda and assisted him with the happabore Monsalmo as she gave birth to her pups. Pleased, Yoda declared that Sy had left as a Padawan but returned as a Jedi Knight. Sy was formally granted the rank in a small Knighting Ceremony and became Talisola's Jedi Master.

As a Jedi Master

Trymant IV battle

Sy and several other Jedi Masters met with Mrala and Talisola

Sy eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master. During a Nihil attack on Trymant IV, Talisola and her companions encountered and befriended Zeen Mrala, a Mikkian sensitive to the Force. Mrala was subsequently invited to the [Starlight Beacon](/article/starlight_beacon]. One week after Mrala's arrival, Sy, along with Masters Yoda, Torban Buck, Avar Kriss, and Estala Maru, met with her to decide if she could remain at the Beacon. During their discussion, Maru pointed out that Mrala was too old to begin training. Sy argued that Mrala had formed good relationships with Talisola and the other Padawans, and Yoda acknowledged the validity of Sy's point. The apprentices, including Talisola and Farzala Tarabal, emphasized that Mrala's and their own opinions should be considered.

As the Padawans and younglings recounted the events on Trymant IV to the Masters, Sy observed along with the others. Eventually, they agreed that Mrala could stay at the Beacon temporarily, as the situation on Trymant IV remained uncertain, and she could assist in locating the Nihil due to her knowledge of Krix Kamerat and [Tromak](/article/tromak], both captured by the pirates. After Yoda revealed that he had provided Mrala and Kamerat with holoprojectors for communication, Sy stressed the importance of discovering information about the strange object Yoda had found on the pirates' Spider Cruiser. Mrala, however, was unsure about helping to stop the Nihil.

Yoda's departure

Later, Sy journeyed to the Republic Outpost space station in the Bright Jewel system with Yoda, Buck, Talisola, Tarabal, Qort, and Mrala. While Talisola stayed with Mrala, the three Masters collaborated with the Republic personnel at the station to monitor Nihil activity. Eventually, the Masters, accompanied by a squadron of Z-28 Skywings, departed in their Jedi Vectors after receiving a credible report of Nihil activity. Talisola was meditating with Mrala when she learned of this and, after hearing about the situation from Tarabal, was disappointed to be left behind. However, Sy insisted over the comms that there was no valid reason for Talisola and her friends to put themselves in danger by joining them. The ensuing battle was swift and decisive, with the Nihil forces easily defeated. However, Yoda felt suspicious, believing that the victory had been too effortless. Sy detected a distress signal in their starfighter, which the Masters quickly determined originated from the junk moon Quantxi. The Masters then headed in that direction to investigate. Yoda subsequently disappeared as he embarked on a quest to learn about the threats facing the Jedi.

Mission to Corellia

In 230 BBY, Sy participated in a mission to Corellia, where they shared their past decision to take time away from the Order with fellow Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus. During the Battle of the Corellian Shipyards, Sy struggled to hold up a trawler until Yoda reappeared, marking his return to the Jedi. Yoda made eye contact with Sy, who was moved to tears by their old master's return. Afterward, Sy assisted in Reath Silas's Knighting Ceremony but was surprised by Vitus's decision to leave the Jedi, which Sy feared was influenced by their own story. Vitus, however, revealed that he was not simply taking a break but leaving the Order permanently before departing.

Personality and traits

Kantam Sy was a human with tan skin and black hair. As a Padawan, their hair was short; as a Jedi Master, their hair was long and styled in a topknot. Sy showed kindness to Zeen Mrala, believing she deserved the opportunity to stay with the Jedi because of her positive relationships with the apprentices, including Talisola.


Kantam Sy wore white and tan Jedi robes. They used a green-bladed lightsaber in combat and piloted a Jedi Vector.

Behind the scenes

Kantam Sy was first referenced in the second episode of Star Wars: The High Republic Show, within a flowchart illustrating the relationships between various Jedi of the era. Sy made their first appearance in the third issue of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures.

