Mikkia was the homeworld of the Mikkians, a humanoid species recognized by their colorful skin pigmentation and head-tendril manes. The Clone Wars saw the deaths of twin Mikkian sisters, Tiplar and Tiplee, who served as Jedi Masters. Sakas, another female member of this species, participated in the Galactic Civil War as part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Mikkians were a humanoid species characterized by their vibrant skin coloration. They possessed a standard arrangement of four limbs: two legs and two arms, each terminating in a hand with five digits, including an opposable thumb. Their faces featured two eyes positioned at the front, often with blue irises.
However, the most defining trait of the Mikkians was their collection of mobile head-tendrils; the number, shape, and arrangement of these varied greatly between individuals. These tendrils functioned primarily as sensory organs, particularly for detecting sound, acting as an alternative to the more conventional ears seen in other species. However, some Mikkians, like Zeen Mrala, possessed both head-tendrils and ears.
Mikkian head-tendrils were also capable of sensing other environmental factors, including humidity, temperature, magnetic fields, and radiation. Their sensitivity to radiation allowed them to perceive light and dark, although their eyes remained their primary means of visual perception.
Mikkian skin tones ranged from bright yellows and greens to reds with blue undertones and pinks. Coloration could differ significantly even among closely related individuals; for instance, twins like Tiplee and Tiplar could exhibit dramatically different skin pigmentations. Similar variations could also be observed between parents and their offspring.
Some Mikkians possessed sensitivity to the Force.
For Mikkians, kinship and integrity held the highest importance. Their commitment to honesty could sometimes be perceived as harsh or impolite by other species. Conversely, Mikkians often struggled to adapt to the more fluid perspectives of other cultures. Their intricate code of honor governed all aspects of life, with a particular emphasis on matters of warfare. While they held warrior traditions in high regard, Mikkians prioritized discipline and honor over pure strength or victory.
Their native language was a melodious and flowing tongue, composed of several ancient dialects. While most Mikkians took pride in their linguistic heritage, they readily learned Galactic Basic Standard.
Mikkians practiced various religious traditions, but a belief in the Force was central to all of them. Consequently, when the Jedi Order was labeled as traitors by the Galactic Empire, Mikkians were quick to question the Empire's justification.
In Mikkian culture, their head-tendrils held significant cultural meaning. Tendril-reading was used by Mikkian mystics to predict the future. Every aspect of the head-tendrils contributed to that interpretation.

The Mikkians originated from the planet Mikkia located in the Expansion Region. Due to their secretive nature, much about the Mikkians remained unknown to the wider galactic community. Despite this, Mikkia had been a member of the Galactic Republic for millennia, and maintained its representation until the Republic's dissolution.
The Mikkians became part of the Galactic Republic thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War. During the High Republic Era, Zeen Mrala, a Mikkian, and her parents belonged to the Elders of the Path, a nomadic religious group that rejected the use of the Force. Mrala's Force-sensitivity, which she had tried to suppress throughout her life, was revealed during an Emergence event of the Great Hyperspace Disaster on Trymant IV. This led to a separation from her close friend Krix Kamerat.
As the Galactic Republic neared its end, the Mikkian twin sisters Tiplee and Tiplar were both members of the Force-sensitive Jedi Order. By the time the Clone Wars erupted, they had achieved the rank of Jedi Master and served as Jedi Generals in the Grand Army of the Republic. In these roles, they commanded clone troopers in battles against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. One red-skinned Mikkian was a Jedi during the war and the master to a Padawan. However, both were killed by General Grievous near the Ledeve Jedi Temple.

During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, Tiplar's life was ended by one of her own [soldiers](/article/soldier], the clone trooper Tup. Tup's inhibitor chip had malfunctioned, causing him to prematurely execute Order 66. Later in the war, Tiplar's sister led an assault on Vizsla Keep 09, where the Sith Lord Maul was in hiding. Tiplee was impaled during a lightsaber duel with Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy, who had allied himself with Maul.
A male Mikkian with red skin was present at the funeral of Maarva Kerasi Andor on Ferrix. This Mikkian joined the riot that broke out among the citizens of Ferrix against the Imperial forces, engaging a Stormtrooper in hand-to-hand combat. During the Galactic Civil War, Sakas, a female Mikkian, served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a resistance movement fighting against the autocratic Galactic Empire. As a member of the Rebel Alliance Special Forces, she took part in a raid on an Imperial black site located at the Wretch of Tayron.

Mikkians made their debut in "The Unknown," the initial episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' sixth season, which premiered in Germany on February 15, 2014. Their visual design originated from unused concept art for a female Sith created by Iain McCaig for the film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.
The species' name wasn't revealed until June 2015, on the official website for Kabam's then-upcoming Star Wars: Uprising mobile game. At that time, prospective players had the opportunity to vote for either Mirialans or Mikkians to become the game's fourth playable species. The Mikkian icon displayed a female character with tendrils resembling those of Tiplar and Tiplee.
After Amy Ratcliffe highlighted the similarity on Twitter, the official Star Wars account verified that the Jedi twins were indeed Mikkians, and that a new entry reflecting this information would be added to the official StarWars.com Databank. When the vote concluded on June 30, the Mirialan species won and was incorporated into the game. Nevertheless, a PNG image file named npc_sister_mikkian_portrait remained within the game's files.