The Jedi Temple, situated on the planet of Ledeve, functioned as a temple under the authority of the Jedi Order. This temple, composed of two distinct towers reminiscent of those atop the Grand Jedi Temple on Coruscant, was found deserted by the time the Clone Wars had begun.
During the era of the Clone Wars, a Mikkian Jedi and her Padawan sought refuge at the Ledeve Temple. General Grievous tracked the Jedi to this world, intercepting and eliminating them in battle before they could reach their destination. Upon recovering their datapad, which contained the Temple's location, Grievous discovered the derelict structure nestled within a thick forest characterized by trees bearing pink foliage. Scaling the walls, Grievous proceeded to shatter statues of lightsaber-wielding Jedi that lined the corridor leading to the Temple's main chamber. Navigating the traps within the crumbling Temple, Grievous entered the central chamber, hoping to uncover the Jedi's hidden treasure. Behind a cascade of water, Grievous believed he saw a luminous relic and ventured into the water, where he began to experience hallucinations of his mechanical body reverting to its original organic form. As voices within his mind taunted and condemned him for mutilating his body, his limbs detached, and his flesh disintegrated, leaving behind only disparate organs floating in the void.
Dismissing the vision as false, Grievous activated his lightsabers and attempted to obliterate the light source hovering behind the waterfall, but his weapons proved ineffective. Departing from the Temple, he observed from a distance as he commanded the Confederacy of Independent Systems' ships in orbit to destroyed the Temple. Although the Temple's physical structure was obliterated in the ensuing inferno, the Force nexus at its heart endured even after Grievous's departure.