Unidentified Mikkian Jedi

A Jedi who was a Force-sensitive Mikkian served the Jedi Order during the period known as the Clone Wars.


This Jedi, a Force-sensitive individual of the Mikkian species, was a member of the Jedi Order and lived during the Clone Wars. During the time when the cyborg general Grievous made for the Jedi Temple located on Ledeve, the Mikkian's Padawan, a male human, ran toward a starship, while his master readied arms and opposed their lightsaber-wielding opponent.

However, during the resulting confrontation, Grievous fatally impaled the Jedi Master, leaving him dead on the forest floor. Grievous then seized the Jedi's lightsaber and swiftly eliminated the Padawan with the same weapon, mirroring his swift defeat of the master.

Personality and traits

The Jedi, a Mikkian, bravely stood his ground against Grievous, allowing his Padawan to escape to safety from the infamous cyborg warrior and Jedi slayer's assault, even though the master was killed by Grievous' hidden third blade.


Stationed on the jungle planet Ledeve with a Padawan learner, the Mikkian Jedi wielded a [blue](/article/color], single-bladed lightsaber and was clad in traditional Jedi robes.

Behind the scenes

The 2019 comic Age of Republic - General Grievous 1 featured the Mikkian Jedi.

