Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, siblings of the Skywalker lineage
Twin pairs describe two siblings who share the same birth from the same set of parents. Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were the mother and father of the twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. In addition, Tiplar and Tiplee were Mikkian Jedi Masters who were twins and participated in the Clone Wars. A clone can also be considered the twin of the original template, as they possess identical genetic material. Therefore, Jango Fett was both the genetic template and father figure of Boba Fett, making them twins in a way. Ciena Ree had a twin sister named Wynnet Ree, but Wynnet passed away shortly after their birth. Ciena, though she never knew her sister, dedicated her life to honoring both of them and often remembered Wynnet.
Although Ben Solo and Rey were not related by blood (Solo being a Skywalker and Rey being from the Palpatine line), and were born a decade apart, they shared a special connection. This connection made Solo and Rey "twins" in the sense that they formed a dyad, representing two beings united as one within the Force.
Rare kyber crystals could be linked through the Force. Gella Nattai, a Jedi Wayseeker, possessed two lightsabers containing twin kyber crystals. When Axel Greylark absconded with one of her lightsabers, Gella utilized the connection between the crystals to locate Axel on Dalna.
- Luke Skywalker and Leia
- A'Vor and his brother [11]
- Aiolin and Morit Astarte [12]
- Alay and Mala Thurya [13]
- Ann Gella and Tann Gella [14]
- Bosvarga and Cerensco [15]
- Ciena and Wynnet Ree [16]
- Desana and Thevera [17]
- Ellyt and Sym [18]
- Hoolie and Jutchins [19]
- Jado and Zenia Starstrider [20]
- Kertas and Rismor [21]
- Lizz and Koob [22]
- The Kratchell twins [23]
- Palal Seedia and her sister [24]
- Phel and Sana Starros [25]
- Rhomby Grammus and Parallela Grammus [26]
- T'ongor and T'onga [27]
- Talia and her sister [28]
- Terec and Ceret [29]
- Tiplar and Tiplee [3]
- Velya and Vika Faer [30]
- Verosha and Mae-ho Aniseya [31]