Lizz, a comrade of Cal Kestis, was a valued member of the Stinger Mantis team. Their initial meeting occurred on the planet Norsid. When a Haxion Brood bounty hunter gained the upper hand on the Jedi, she and her twin brother, Koob, intervened by casting the hunter into a mine shaft, forging a strong friendship with Kestis thereafter.
Lizz was infamous among her comrades for her insatiable hunger. Gabs even jokingly suggested that she consumed their captured prey during a mission that took place on Carida.
Saw Gerrera dispatched her, along with Kestis, Koob, Gabs, Bravo, and the new recruit Bode Akuna, on an undercover operation to Coruscant. Their objective was to extract vital intelligence from Senator Daho Sejan, which they planned to do by infiltrating the senator's office disguised as Coruscant Security Forces, with Cal leading the way. Although the plan was implemented successfully, the Ninth Sister launched an ambush during their escape, leading to the death of the senator. Koob and Lizz bravely confronted her, but they too met their end. Cal reflected on the deaths of her, her brother, and Gabs soon after, and later mourned them and Bravo once safely in hyperspace.
Before embarking on missions, Lizz had a peculiar pre-mission ritual: she would vigorously bounce on the left cushion of the cabin couch aboard the Stinger Mantis in an attempt to pump herself up. This repeated action caused significant damage to the cushion, which Greez Dritus noticed immediately upon his return to the ship. Despite their formidable combat skills and potentially dangerous nature, she and her twin were deeply affectionate towards their friends. They readily embraced Cal upon reuniting with him and fearlessly engaged the Ninth Sister in hand-to-hand combat, a doomed attempt to shield him from harm.
The twins communicated exclusively in Huttese while possessing an understanding of basic.