Gabs, a comrade of Cal Kestis, was a member of the Stinger Mantis team. Trained by the syndicate as a slicer, she utilized her talents to accumulate wealth while opposing the Galactic Empire.
During the Imperial era, Gabs was in the service of Saw Gerrera, undertaking assignments to disrupt the Empire alongside his Partisans. She also served as a crew member of the Stinger Mantis during their campaign against the Empire.
On at least one occasion, she rescued Kestis, commenting that she was owed a starship for saving him on Carida.
Gabs participated in the crew's mission to Level 2046 on Coruscant to pilfer secret Imperial data from the yacht belonging to Senator Daho Sejan. She quipped to Kestis that she wanted the Mantis if he were to die. During the mission, she made a bet with Koob and Lizz, the Klatooinian twins in the crew, that the Senator would have Kestis killed and displayed on his yacht.
Gabs hacked into the yacht to stop Sejan from requesting assistance, then aided Kestis in neutralizing threats during his infiltration of the vessel. With the help of Cal's droid BD-1, whom she affectionately called her lovely assistant, Gabs bypassed the yacht's blast doors, the senator's last line of defense, enabling the crew to successfully download the intelligence. While in the yacht's lounge, Gabs announced her desire to claim the ship for herself, having never been on a Senator's ship before. She had, however, destroyed one in the past. She also informed the crew that she enjoyed stealing items to sell for credits during missions to gain something in return for her efforts. After witnessing the extravagance aboard the yacht, she concluded that the Empire made the Hutts appear virtuous by comparison.
The crew was soon attacked by the Ninth Sister of the Inquisitorius, who killed the Senator for sheltering Kestis. In the resulting pandemonium, Gabs was hit in the back by a LAAT/le patrol gunship while safeguarding Cal.
Self-assured and brave, Gabs savored every chance to prove her superiority over Imperial slicers, frequently with the assistance of her 'partner-in-crime' BD-1. She also had a strong sense of loyalty to her crew, which was evident when she took a fatal blaster shot to save Kestis' life.
Gabs was a reliable ally of Kestis. Kestis regarded her as a dear friend, and kept a photograph of Gabs, along with himself, Bravo, Koob, and Lizz aboard the Mantis.