Bravo (Coruscant)

Bravo, a human male, served as the pilot for the Stinger Mantis crew in the Imperial Era. In addition to his piloting duties, he was also a soldier who fought alongside Saw Gerrera.


During their partnership, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and Bravo successfully completed numerous missions together as they struggled against the Galactic Empire.

Bravo played a role in assisting Kestis and the Stinger Mantis crew when they infiltrated Level 2046 on Coruscant. Their goal was to extract confidential Imperial data from the yacht belonging to Senator Daho Sejan. After the capture of the Pau'an senator, the team attempted to flee Coruscant but were stopped by the Ninth Sister of the Inquisitorius, who executed the senator for providing refuge to Kestis. In the resulting chaos, the crew's slicer Gabs, and the Klatooinian twins Koob and Lizz, were killed.

After Kestis defeated the Ninth Sister, he met up again with Bode Akuna and Bravo. Together, they formulated a plan to escape Coruscant using Z-95 Headhunters along with the Mantis. They decided to separate and later meet using locator beacons. During the escape, Bravo's ship was shot down by TIE Fighters, and the Mantis sustained damage to its gyro systems.

Personality and traits

Bravo was a reliable and valued companion to Kestis during their struggle against the Empire. Kestis held him in high regard as a close friend and kept a photo of Bravo, along with himself, Gabs, Koob, and Lizz, on board the Mantis.

