During the age of the High Republic Era, Gella Nattai, a Jedi Knight, wielded a pair of lightsabers with purple blades. Throughout her career as a Jedi, she utilized these weapons on numerous occasions. Not long after the conclusion of the Eiram-E'ronoh War in 382 BBY, one of Gella's lightsabers was temporarily taken by Axel Greylark, but she later reclaimed it.
Before the year 382 BBY, Gella Nattai constructed her lightsabers using a pair of matching kyber crystals. She employed them in various situations, including during the ceasefire of the Eiram-E'ronoh War.

Following the Battle of Jedha, Gella Nattai, accompanied by Jedi Master Orin Darhga, visited Axel Greylark, the imprisoned son of Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark, at the Republic Correctional Facility on Pipyyr in search of information about the Path of the Open Hand. Subsequently, they received a fabricated transmission from Kyong, instructing them to move him to a different prison. En route, Nattai, Darhga, and Axel were ambushed by a small group led by Binnot Ullo, an old friend of Greylark and a member of the Path. During the ensuing conflict, Nattai lost one of her lightsabers, which Greylark quickly acquired. Greylark fought alongside the Jedi until Ullo appeared and convinced Greylark to escape with him. Ullo and Greylark fled to Jedha with the lightsaber, pursued by Nattai and Dargha. Nattai utilized the connection between her remaining lightsaber's crystal and its twin through the Force to guide her to Greylark and her lost weapon.
The Jedi tracked the fugitives to a transport ship bound for Dalna, which they secretly boarded. On Dalna, the Jedi confronted Greylark and Ullo within the compound of the Path of the Open Hand, but Dargha was killed by Ullo's poison glove. Nattai was soon imprisoned, and Ullo took possession of the lightsabers. After Greylark was abandoned by the Path once his mother stepped down as chancellor and his usefulness had ended, Ullo visited Nattai in her cell to boast about his triumph, including his acquisition of her lightsabers, which he admitted to enjoying wielding. Nattai deduced that this was because Ullo was Force-sensitive, a claim he vehemently denied. She attempted to further provoke Ullo, who ultimately reacted by stabbing the cell doors with her lightsabers. Although his strikes penetrated the door, they missed Nattai and failed to break it down.
Shortly after, a battle broke out on the planet. During the chaos, Greylark freed Nattai. In the battle's final moments, Utto, while attempting to flee, was confronted by Nattai and Greylark. He attempted to emotionally manipulate them until Greylark rejected him. Utto attacked with Nattai's lightsabers, injuring Greylark's shoulder and destroying his blaster pistol. However, Greylark managed to escape by throwing a chair at the Path member. While Utto deflected the object with one of the lightsabers, the inexperienced Utto chose to duel Nattai, who now wielded the lightsabers of injured Jedi Creighton Sun and Aida Forte. Nattai swiftly disarmed Utto, who was ultimately killed by his own poison glove when Greylark forced it into his chest. As the room began to flood, Greylark defied Nattai's wishes and retrieved her lightsabers, promptly returning them to their rightful owner.
The initial unveiling of Gella Nattai's lightsabers occurred during an episode of the Star Wars: The High Republic Show, which provided details regarding phase two of the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative. Their first appearance was in The High Republic: Convergence.