Aida Forte, a female of the Kadas'sa'Nikto species, held the rank of Jedi Knight throughout the High Republic Era. In the year 382 BBY, Forte was present at the Wedding of Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A'lbaran on the planet Eiram. There, she assisted in the pursuit of Axel Greylark, a fugitive and saboteur, and engaged in combat with bounty hunters who had come to the wedding seeking Greylark. Subsequently, Forte journeyed to the moon of Jedha alongside Jedi Master Creighton Sun, accompanying delegations from the planets Eiram and E'ronoh. These delegations were scheduled to ratify a treaty during a summit intended to bring an end to the war between the two planets. However, the summit's failure led to the outbreak of the Battle of Jedha, during which Forte and Sun fought alongside the Guardians of the Whills in an effort to minimize casualties. Following the battle, Forte and Sun, together with Jedi Master Yaddle, made the decision to travel to Dalna to investigate the Path of the Open Hand cult, suspected of instigating the Battle of Jedha. Their investigation revealed that the Path possessed numerous weapons, including the bioweapon klytobacter and the Nameless, living weapons that targeted Force-sensitives. As more Jedi arrived on Dalna to conduct investigations, the Path launched an assault on the Jedi, initiating the Night of Sorrow, a catastrophic battle in which Forte met her demise. She was honored alongside other fallen Jedi in a funeral at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant.
Aida Forte, a female Kadas'sa'Nikto, had green skin and horns that encircled her face. She possessed an unwavering optimism and consistently identified the positive aspects of any situation, even in the most challenging circumstances.