Ellyt was a male human who made his home on the planet of Coruscant. He lived there and had a twin brother named Sym. Both brothers were considered experts in the historical lore of Coruscant. In the year 230 BBY, Ellyt, along with his twin and their companions Alees June and Loran, ventured out to various clubs within Coruscant's streets. During their outing, they encountered Amadeo Azzazzo, a Jedi Padawan. June extended an invitation for Azzazzo to join their group, leading them to a club known as the Uzzu, where Sym affectionately placed his arm around his brother's shoulders. Shortly thereafter, they departed and convened at an apartment with additional friends, where Azzazzo showcased his lightsaber. Subsequently, the Jedi and June took their leave.
Ellyt and Sym shared a similar physique, characterized by a tall and slender build. They both sported dark, spiky hair and [black](/article/color] eyes. Ellyt's clothing choices consisted of sleek designs incorporating black, blue, and metallic hues, a stark contrast to the Jedi robes worn by Azzazzo.
Ellyt's character was featured in the short story "The Call of Coruscant," penned by Lydia Kang. This story was included in the young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, released in 2023 as part of the broader Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.