Amadeo Azzazzo's weapon of choice was a lightsaber of a light green hue. This lightsaber was the property of Jedi Padawan Amadeo Azzazzo and housed a kyber crystal within its hilt. Back in 230 BBY, a devastating groundquake shook the planet of Mikkia. At that time, Azzazzo was chasing the miner known as Lor Botho, who sought to exploit the weakened native Mikkians. While aboard a starship together, Botho unleashed [poison](/article/poison] smoke, compelling Azzazzo to hold his breath. To trick the miner into lowering his defenses, Azzazzo turned off his lightsaber and feigned unconsciousness. Consequently, when Botho approached to eliminate him, the Jedi swiftly rose, blocked the blaster fire, and seized Botho's respirator. Subsequently, on the world of Coruscant, Azzazzo displayed his weapon to his newly acquired companions at the urging of the human named Sym.
The lightsaber used by Amadeo Azzazzo made its debut in "The Call of Coruscant," a brief narrative penned by Lydia Kang. This story was then included in The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, a compilation released in 2023.