The following significant occurrences transpired around the epoch of 230 BBY, alternatively known as 3047 LY per the reckoning of the Lothal Calendar, 211 BFE according to the Imperial Calendar, and Year 7747 based on the C.R.C. calendar.
- Aboard the Star Hopper, Farzala Tarabal and Qort attain the rank of Jedi Knights. [7]
- The Nihil are responsible for the destruction of Starlight Beacon. [1]
- Reath Silas achieves the title of Jedi Knight on Corellia, while Cohmac Vitus, his mentor and a Jedi Master, departs from the Jedi Order. [6]
- Nan Yujin, who is the younger sibling of Nan Holi, cultivates a friendship with Nan Qiwen. [8]
- Nan Zaizhou commences his employment under Nan Holi, serving as the latter's administrative assistant. [9]
- The Jedi High Council formally puts into effect the Guardian Protocols. [10]
- Attack on Port Haileap [11] [2]
- Mission to Dalna [11]
- Dalnan evacuation [11]
- Battle in the Nefitifi system [1]
- Raids on the Ocktai system [1]
- Eiram celebration [1]
- Attack on Aleen [1]
- Attack on Japeal [1]
- Attack on Tais Brabbo [1]
- Attack on Yeksom [1]
- Attack in the Echerta system [1]
- Destruction of Starlight Beacon [1]
- Attack on the Jedi temple at Chespea [1]
- Battle of the Corellian Shipyards [1]
- Nihil celebration [1]
- Marchion Ro's broadcast [1]
- Li Yu (Approximate date) [12]
- On Corellia [6] Ovarto Bitolo-Bash[6] Beeta[6] Prybolt Garavult[6] Dizcaro[6] Nomar Tralmat[6]
- During the destruction of Starlight Beacon [1] Regald Coll[1] Orla Jareni[1] Nib Assek[1] Nooranbakarakana (Approximate date)[13] Estala Maru[1] Werrera[1] Cale[1] Leyel[1] Koley Linn[1] Chancey Yarrow[1] Stellan Gios[1]
- During the attack on the Jedi temple at Chespea [1] Imgree[1] Imgree's Padawan[1]
- Obratuk Glii aboard the Gaze Electric (Approximate date) [14]