During the age of the High Republic, specifically in the year 230 BBY, the Jedi temple on Chespea was assaulted by the Nihil. The Nihil employed their starships to obliterate the Chespea Temple, resulting in the deaths of Jedi Master Imgree, her Padawan, and all other Jedi present within its walls. As the Nihil commenced their assault on the temple, Imgree instructed her Padawan to establish communication with the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant. The Padawan responded with a nod, subsequently inquiring whether she desired him to report the ongoing attack to Coruscant. His Master responded with a shake of her head, stating her wish for him to relay the message that they were gone. Following a brief pause, the Padawan displayed courage and fulfilled Imgree's request. Subsequent to his communication with Coruscant, Nihil weaponry breached the temple's roof, resulting in the immediate incineration of Imgree, her Padawan, and all individuals located within the Temple.