
Imgree was a Jedi Master who held the position of leader at the Chespea Temple of the Jedi Order. This temple was located on the planet of Chespea during the period known as the High Republic Era. In the year 230 BBY, when the Nihil raiders launched an attack on the temple, Imgree instructed her Padawan to make a communication to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for the very first time. While her Padawan thought the purpose was to seek assistance, Imgree made it clear that the call was to notify Coruscant of their impending death. Ultimately, the temple faced complete destruction, resulting in the demise of every Jedi inside. In the seventh chapter of Chronicles of the Jedi, a record written in 229 BBY that chronicles the Jedi of the High Republic, Jedi Master Harli Cogra made mention of the Jedi lives that were lost at Chespea, including Imgree.

Behind the scenes

Imgree was a character in the 2022 book titled The Fallen Star. Claudia Gray wrote this novel, which is part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic project, which spans multiple forms of media.

