Cohmac Vitus

Cohmac Vitus, during the High Republic Era, was a celebrated Jedi Master of the Jedi Order. He was a human male known for his skills as both a scholar and a mystic. Before achieving the rank of Master, he served as the Padawan to Master Simmix. As a Padawan, Vitus became involved in the Eiram–E'ronoh crisis, an experience that continued to influence him even twenty-five years later, during his time as a Jedi Master. He was one of the four Jedi who traveled on the Vessel starship toward the Starlight Beacon, but their journey was disrupted by the Great Disaster, forcing them off course.


Early life

Cohmac Vitus was brought into the Jedi Order at a young age during the High Republic Era. While training in the crèche, he developed a friendship with Orla Jareni. Eventually, he became the Padawan of Simmix, a Fillithar Jedi Master. Vitus had great affection for his master, viewing him as a kind and understanding Jedi. However, the Padawan sometimes voiced concerns that Simmix was too reckless with his own safety. Simmix, often amused by this, would retort that Vitus possessed enough caution for both of them.

The Eiram–E'ronoh crisis

Cohmac Vitus traveled to the lost moon between Eiram and E'ronoh

During his apprenticeship under Simmix, Vitus, along with his master, the then-Padawan Jareni, and her master, Laret Soveral, were tasked with intervening in the escalating Eiram–E'ronoh crisis. This was the first mission for both Padawans, who were thrilled to be allowed to pilot the T-1 shuttle assigned to the team. This opportunity signified a departure from typical Padawan duties and demonstrated confidence in their capabilities. As they approached the system, their masters meditated together in the passenger area. The Padawans detected a distress signal seemingly from a survivor of Monarch Cassel's ship, prompting Vitus to automatically steer the shuttle toward the source. Master Soveral entered the cockpit, demanding an explanation. Upon learning the situation, she somberly remarked that the signal originated only from the ship, not from a survivor. Subsequently, the shuttle was shot down, crashing on the surface of the lost moon between the two planets.

After the crash, Vitus quickly regained consciousness and ensured Jareni's well-being. He then attempted to sense the presence of the two masters, but only Master Soveral reached out through the Force. This caused him to panic and rush to find his master. However, Soveral intercepted him and delivered the solemn news that Simmix had perished in the crash. Despite this, Vitus pushed past her and discovered his master's body, overwhelmed with grief and guilt. The shuttle's safety harnesses were not designed for beings without limbs like the Fillithar, a detail Vitus had pointed out, but Simmix had dismissed the concern.

Devastated, but urged by Soveral to move forward, the team left the crash site and entered a nearby cave system. Noticing snake carvings on the walls, Vitus focused and explained that they were linked to local legends of giant serpents. The group was then attacked by a white serpent, which the Jedi defeated. Vitus felt frustrated, realizing the purpose behind his master's encouragement to learn about local myths, as they often contained elements of truth.

Forced to continue, the Jedi dispatched six of the large snakes. Master Soveral then took the lead, allowing the two Padawans to converse privately. Vitus expressed his anger about the Jedi Order's lack of mourning practices and the unrealistic expectations placed on emotions. Despite Jareni's attempts to comfort him, he sharply criticized these practices, causing tension. Vitus felt embarrassed, aware that he had been snapping at his friend and that his emotions were easily sensed through the Force. Seeking to honor his deceased master's teachings, he calmed himself and continued with the group.

The Jedi eventually reached the hideout of Isamer, a Lasat gangster, and moved to rescue the captured monarchs. However, their adherence to procedure allowed the Lasat criminal to shoot at the royals. Monarch Cassel intercepted the shot to save his fellow captive, dying moments later. Watching Queen Consort Thandeka mourn over Cassel's body, Vitus felt envious of her ability to openly grieve, something he could not do. Ultimately, he suppressed his feelings and opinions regarding the Jedi's handling of death for many years.

The Great Disaster

Discovery of the Amaxine Station

The Padawan Reath Silas (pictured) joined Vitus and other Jedi on the journey from Coruscant

Two and a half decades later, Vitus had become a respected Jedi, contributing to various scholarly fields, from ancient Force rituals to high-crisis hostage negotiation. He was also regarded as a knowledgeable mystic. He decided to accept a position at the Starlight Beacon to study the cultures of newly discovered societies in the frontier. To get there, he traveled with three other Jedi: Padawan Reath Silas, Jedi Knight Dez Rydan, and Jedi Wayseeker Jareni, all headed to the same destination. The two friends briefly discussed how their lives had changed and that they were returning to the same fateful region of space from twenty-five years prior. The starship initially hired was unavailable, leading to a last-minute replacement: the Vessel, crewed by Captain Leox Gyasi, co-pilot Affie Hollow, and navigator Geode.

Upon boarding, Vitus used his robe's hood to shield himself, concealing his emotions while maintaining inner composure. He expressed unease about returning to the area that had transformed him from a Padawan to a Jedi so quickly, as the associated memories were difficult to manage. He hoped to find peace through this voyage. The Vessel entered hyperspace, and later, Vitus sat near Rydan and Silas as the younger Jedi discussed a conversation Silas had with Hollow. Vitus was somewhat preoccupied, contemplating his decision to venture to the frontier, reflecting on his traits and thought processes, which others described as precise and focused on reason and logic.

As he attempted to leave, Padawan Silas inquired about his work as a folklorist. Vitus explained, while gazing out of a viewport, that while some tales were easily shared, others, intended to remain within a community or darker stories, were harder to obtain. This immediately reminded him of the Crisis, but he continued, adding that every species was different. He suggested studying a group's art, as legends often emerged to explain the imagery. He considered saying more as the two younger Jedi spoke but decided to limit his words, aware that he could easily overshare.

At this point, the Great Disaster began, resonating through the Force and affecting all the Jedi on the Vessel. The ship was struck by debris from the destroyed Legacy Run in hyperspace, requiring repairs by Silas and Hollow. The craft exited hyperspace near a volatile star in an unknown region. Vitus sensed the deaths of many, sharing the shock and pain with the other Jedi. The Jedi moved to the communications area to contact the Starlight Beacon, joining the ship's crew. They learned the extent of the disaster, with multiple signals overlapping across the galaxy. A broadcast from the Galactic Republic called for a halt to all hyperspace travel due to the dangers. Vitus left the group, but when the ship received a signal beacon message, Jareni and Silas fetched him after the Wayseeker advised caution. Jareni was shaken, and as the closest to a "head monk" in the group, Vitus returned to the bridge with Silas.

There, he oversaw the assessment of their situation, requesting identification of the stranded ships and determining why the beacon's ship was difficult to scan (due to its mixed parts). After initial contact with Nan and Hague's ship, Vitus took over the call to give instructions before ending it. However, the Force tugged at him, sensing something undiscovered, and he requested wider scans. This revealed an ancient space station, and Cohmac directed the other eleven starships to seek refuge around it and its shields due to the nearby volatile star.

Darkness aboard the station

Cohmac Vitus and the other Jedi of his small group were able to quickly cease the darkness onboard the ancient station

Once the station was deemed safe, Master Vitus, Wayseeker Jareni, Knight Rydan, Padawan Silas, and crewmate Hollow welcomed Nan and her guardian Hague, whose ship had been rescued by the Vessel's crew and was the first to dock. Cohmac Vitus spoke with Hague about settling in and moved to manage boarding affairs. However, Jareni drew him away, suggesting he delegate to investigate the mysterious statues and technologies the boarding team had found. Jareni knew what would pique Vitus' interest, specifically mentioning unknown languages, and the two went to investigate. Jareni drew parallels to their current situation and their mission years ago but was interrupted by a sudden feeling of shadow and chill reported earlier by Silas and Rydan.

Later, the pair stood in the station's central sphere, Vitus analyzing the idols' appearance while Jareni offered suggestions. He noted the design resembled that of the ancient Kubaz, but their star system was distant, possibly a coincidence. Jareni suggested they might be monarchs or historical leaders rather than god, which Vitus had considered. He concluded they were likely gods. Another chill swept over them, and they discussed what was happening. Concerned about a dark force, Orla Jareni was suddenly pulled into an intense Force vision. Cohmac Vitus was similarly affected, falling into the surrounding vegetation. He emerged from his vision soon after, telling Jareni it was a warning.

Jareni helped Vitus up, and they returned to the station. By the time they reached Silas and Rydan, a battle had erupted between the passengers and crews of the newly arriving ships, who were looting and attempting to seize others for unsavory purposes. Master Vitus acted quickly, leaping to the upper levels. He engaged the Orincans, from one of the docked ships. Concerned about stray blaster bolts due to possible magnetic seals, he carefully reflected the bolts into nearby trees and vegetation. This display caused the plunderers to retreat, allowing Vitus to assess the situation.

Realizing that he and Wayseeker Jareni would be ineffective in defusing the situation through martial skills (as the looters could easily escape in the large space), he chose to create a spectacle. He jumped into the atrium, causing Affie Hollow to scream, but used the Force to levitate himself eight meters in the air. He called attention to himself, his voice echoing clearly, and ordered everyone to cease their criminal activities in the name of the Republic. He stated that within fifteen minutes, every captain had to have their passengers and crews back on their ships and leave or be ready to cooperate peacefully. He vaguely threatened that everyone had to follow the Republic's laws on the station, or else face consequences. His words and actions worked, and while the crews returned to the airlock level peacefully, Vitus knew the peace was temporary.

Complications on the station

Shortly after, Vitus and Rydan discussed the visions experienced by the two older Jedi. Vitus described his vision as his conscience being removed to a different place, where he looked down into a terrible abyss that filled his soul with anguish. Dez asked if the artifacts might have triggered the event, which Vitus considered possible. He said that there were legends of objects imbued with the powers of the dark side, but all legend was rooted in some truth.

Dez then suggested the darkness might be coming from the plants. However, Master Vitus rejected this, stating he had encountered trees steeped in the dark side before. This darkness, he added, was different and seemed to be a focused intelligence, which surprised Dez. The Jedi scholar postulated that the statues were a warning of the darkness, and Dez asked what they could do about it. Vitus replied that they were trapped with the darkness and needed to shelter from the hyperspace disaster. Dez told the other Jedi to rest, while he left to find Reath Silas.

Following this, after a criminal ship had been detached from the station, and supplies were being distributed, Cohmac Vitus stepped away to center himself. He found a spot at the back of the Vessel away from the others and knelt on a makeshift meditation mat. He repeated his mantra: "I behold the world within myself. I behold the world without myself." He considered the darkness aboard the station and its source, pondering the lack of Jedi insight and the violence of separating dark from light, and if that itself created darkness. Later, after an effort by a mixed group of the station's residents, Jareni found Vitus meditating on the Vessel's observation deck. They discussed the parallels between the present and their shared past from the Eiram–E'ronoh crisis in more depth than before. However, they were thrown into another intense, terrifying vision.

In the aftermath, the four Jedi gathered in the Vessel's tiny communication area, Silas having also experienced a vision. Jareni summarized what they knew about the darkness, agreeing with Master Vitus' assessment that the idols were keeping a darkness sealed within, with a psychic warning seal. Vitus corrected Padawan Silas' belief that the Force only came from life and that the artifacts had to be Sith in origin, stating that others had held powers in the Force. Jareni asked for options, and Vitus affirmed that they needed to act soon, as Affie Hollow's explorations had revealed frequent visitation by traders, who could accidentally free the darkness. However, Knight Rydan's comment on a possible connection between the shadow and the lower areas of the station caused Jareni to instruct him to find a way for his group to make their way down there successfully (as the last attempt had involved the station's 8-T droids attacking them, and Affie Hollow poisoned).

Later, Vitus was with Gyasi and Geode in the cockpit of the Vessel when he felt a disturbance in the Force, indicating something was wrong. He rushed out of the ship followed by Gyasi, and they encountered the distraught group who had attempted to breach the lower level but had fled back to the station. His emotions were destabilized as he realized what had happened to Rydan, and he berated himself for not sensing what the similarities between his past and present could have meant. After learning more about the accident, he stated that Rydan had likely been vaporized, and upon reaching out in the Force, he felt nothing of the Jedi Knight. A few minutes later, Vitus boarded the Vessel and retreated to his cabin to meditate, his disrupted emotional state clearly felt by Jareni.

Final preparations

Soon after this meeting, the refugees aboard the Amaxine space station received word from the Republic that hyperlanes were conditionally open, with enough information fed to starships to allow for essential travel. Master Vitus joined a meeting of Padawan Silas, Wayseeker Jareni, Captain Gyasi, and co-pilot Hollow in the comm area of the ship, where he remained withdrawn, allowing Reath Silas to speak on the essentials of Force artifacts. The group affirmed that the idols were Force containers and agreed with Master Vitus' belief that they should be removed from the station. Vitus finally spoke, suggesting a binding ritual should be performed on the idols to ensure the darkness remained contained during transport. The other two Jedi agreed, and the group separated.

After this meeting, Jareni confronted Vitus, feeling he was neglecting his duties and allowing Dez Rydan's death to impact him more than was natural. Vitus began to rail against Rydan's death, stating that it didn't feel right to overcome the anger within him and that the young Knight should be openly mourned. After further prodding from Jareni, Vitus admitted the ties between his present feelings and those he had held onto since his past. However, despite Jareni's efforts to affirm both Jedi teachings and the shared responsibility for what went wrong, Vitus was not swayed. He disengaged in the conversation to focus on preparations for the binding exercise.

Some time after this, he, Padawan Silas, and Wayseeker Jareni went into the center of the Amaxine station's central sphere and commenced their binding ritual on the idols. Vitus led the ritual, which was taxing, but the task was accomplished.

Return to Coruscant

Cohmac Vitus oversaw the departure preparations in the cockpit of the ship before he left as the ship prepared to jump into hyperspace. As they flew through the rocky journey, he and Jareni stood in the cargo bay keeping an eye on the mysterious idols. He answered Jareni's questions about how rough the trip was with an explanation provided by what information he knew of the effects of the disaster and the Republic's solution to it. By this time, his inner anger and lack of balance had calmed.

He joined with the other Jedi as a distress call was received by the Vessel, and affirmed that the craft should respond to it. He then joined Jareni and Silas in their plunge onboard the heavily damaged passenger ship Journeyman once the Vessel had exited hyperspace and attached itself to the larger ship. Donning a breath mask, Vitus rushed through the burning ship to reach the main loading bay. Once there, he shouted to be taken to the escape pod doors and dislodged debris keeping the ship's passengers from accessing the pods. Realizing he could not return on the path he'd come, he joined the throng moving to the escape pods and contacted the Vessel to learn the progress of the rest of his team. He soon came into contact with two Wookiee parents who had lost their child in the chaos, but was able to assure them of their child's safety as the youth had been rescued by Reath Silas.

Upon the group's return to Coruscant, Cohmac Vitus immediately sought an audience with the Jedi Council despite his appearance, being covered in soot and his robes dirtied and singed from his efforts aboard the Journeyman. He gave his report to three of the Council's Masters, including Master Adampo and Master Teri Rosason. He informed them of Dez Rydan's death and the events onboard the Amaxine station in a calm, nearly droid-like manner. Internally, however, he was enraged at his tone and the Council's lack of mourning. He almost asked if they had no more emotion to share. However, he controlled his outburst and left.

Later, he joined Wayseeker Jareni, and Masters Poreht La, Tia Mirabel, and Giktoo Nelmo at the Shrine in the Depths to handle the Force containers, which had been moved from the Vessel by Jareni. He entered a deep trance with the idols. The connection was profound, and they were in harmony to combat the darkness within. However, upon removing the Force barrier around the idols, the group learned there was nothing present, and instead, the idols had been keeping a darkness contained aboard the ancient station.

Vitus was dismayed at the mistake, though others attempted to alleviate the guilt he and Wayseeker Jareni were experiencing. He struggled to calm himself and tried to proceed to the next step, returning the idols to the station and re-establishing containment. Instead, the Council wanted to wait and take their time to establish a proper team, to prevent any further loss of life. Vitus promptly shouldered the responsibility of taking the idols to a secure location, but once the other Jedi had left him and Jareni, he confided in her his intention to fix their mistake.

Cohmac then recruited Silas, finding him in the Jedi Archives and explaining the situation. He rapidly recruited the young Padawan, who was eager to fix his own mistake, as he had since learned that Nan and Hague were both Nihil. Vitus also knew this, but his focus was on returning the idols. The pair of Jedi went to the crew of the Vessel to hire them for the mission, but upon arrival were initially dismayed to hear that the ship had already been hired by another party. However, this new party was soon revealed to be Jareni, and the group of Jedi then huddled to discuss their plan.

Return to the station

On their emergence from hyperspace, the Vessel was confronted by a massive Nihil warship attached to the station. Through Gyasi's piloting, the Vessel was attached to a nearby asteroid, effectively hiding the starship. Vitus complimented the captain and worked to discuss options for docking with the station outside the view of the larger ship. Geode proposed the plan, and when executed, the Vessel orbited on the opposite side of the station from the Nihil ship. As boarding still needed to be accomplished, Vitus joined Jareni, Hollow, and Silas in donning exosuits to leave their ship and float down to the Amaxine station. The group exited the Vessel and used their thrusters to reach the airlock, with the three Jedi using the Force to pull the idols to safety and into the station.

Cohmac Vitus faced down the mysterious threat that was the Drengir soon after their release back into the galaxy

title: Cohmac Vitus

After they boarded, the oppressive darkness the Jedi had previously detected intensified, causing the group to separate and tackle their shared tasks. As Jareni and Vitus journeyed together, Jareni observed the darkness's rapid growth, a sentiment Vitus echoed. She further noted that the visions they'd experienced now possessed an unsettling familiarity, though she brushed it aside before they entered the thick undergrowth. During their walk, Vitus brought up the clay warriors from the moon of Zardossa Stix, a topic familiar to Jareni, yet his timing made her uneasy. Vitus surmised that the idols were maintaining an army's presence due to the Force's disturbances they sensed, but Jareni couldn't detect any army.

Suddenly, they were confronted by plant-like entities, the Drengir, who eagerly greeted them as "meat." The creatures gradually encircled the pair, accompanied by a suffocating sensation in the Force. The Drengir revealed their capture by the Sith, which gave the Jedi pause before moving in to attack. Vitus slashed at a thorny whip aimed at him, severing the tendril, but it continued to writhe on the ground. As Jareni engaged the Drengir, Master Vitus discerned the plant creatures' rapid regeneration. The two Jedi then persevered in their duel against the ever-increasing Drengir horde closing in.

Vitus fought with all his might, even though Jareni sustained a leg injury. Eventually separated, the Jedi Master found himself gradually pinned against one of the central atrium's major arches. Fortunately, Wayseeker Jareni intervened, severing a bower connected to the atrium's ceiling, which began to collapse as she fell to the ground. Landing awkwardly due to her injured leg, she joined Vitus in deflecting the Drengir's probes while retreating, leading the Drengir to a position directly beneath the collapsing bower. The vegetation-covered architecture crashed down upon the Drengir, temporarily halting them. As they attempted to break free, they damaged the vegetation, triggering an attack by swarms of 8-Ts, who perceived them as harming the station's plant life. Jareni and Vitus observed this before focusing their energies and creating a new Force container using the idols within the atrium. This action manifested as a green flash to the Jedi, instantly causing the Drengir to dissolve into the station's vegetation. The two friends then hastened to locate Hollow and Silas but instead encountered the Nihil member Hague.

The aged Zabrak tried to fire his blaster at them, but Jareni used the Force to slow the bolt, allowing the Jedi to step aside before releasing it, causing it to impact the nearby wall. Their confrontation escalated as Hague's previously concealed rage surfaced, and he trapped them in the airlock ring by disabling the door controls. After alerting the other Nihil on the station, a group converged on their location as the Nihil vessel docked directly with the airlock ring. However, a grenade thrown by Affie Hollow disrupted the Nihil's advance, enabling Master Vitus and Wayseeker Jareni to charge forward. Jareni confronted Hague, while Vitus held the remaining Nihil at bay in an archway, preventing them from attacking him and Jareni.

She eventually accessed alternative controls on the ceiling and activated emergency doors, separating them from the Nihil. Regrettably, they realized too late that they had trapped Affie Hollow on the other side of the doors with the majority of the Nihil, prompting them to move in and assist her, drawing some of her attackers away. While Jareni engaged a pair of Nihil wielding energized polearms, Vitus used the Force to seize and swing a metal beam through the legs of the main Nihil group, causing many to fall. The Nihil then retreated, and the two senior Jedi sought to regroup with Silas and Hollow. While Jareni scouted the station for resources to use against the Nihil, Vitus discovered Silas and a surprisingly alive Rydan. Shocked but quickly informed of the situation, Vitus moved to assist Silas in returning Rydan to the Vessel.

En route back to the ship, the Jedi encountered Gyasi. After a brief discussion, Gyasi hurried off to find Hollow, while Padawan Silas urged Master Vitus to get Knight Rydan back to the Vessel. Initially, Master Vitus hesitated to let Padawan Silas go alone, but considering Rydan's condition and the need to sabotage the Nihil's efforts on the station by engaging with its technology, the senior Jedi permitted the Padawan to leave. Vitus escorted Rydan back to the airlock where the Vessel was now docked, but just before he entered the ship, he saw Geode disappearing down the station hallway into the chaos. Remaining onboard the ship, he later overheard the return of Hollow and Gyasi. Learning that the ship was attached to the station by vines, he went to find his Jedi companions to initiate their escape.

On his way, he encountered the ongoing battle between the Nihil and the Drengir in the central atrium, but did not engage as Reath Silas and Orla Jareni emerged from the smoke to meet him. As they returned to the Vessel, neither of the older Jedi noticed that Padawan Silas had embarked on his own mission. Shortly after his departure, Silas vented the arboretum into space, while also launching all of the hyperspace-capable pods. The station sustained minimal damage, but the demise of the Drengir and most of the Nihil allowed the group to leisurely sever the vines that had attempted to trap the Vessel before departing. Vitus checked on Dez Rydan and witnessed Leox Gyasi using the spice onboard the ship to stabilize the weary Dez Rydan.


Upon their return to Coruscant, Jareni, Vitus, and Silas were summoned before the Jedi High Council to answer for their actions. Ultimately, none of them faced disciplinary action due to the overall positive outcome and the fact that their actions were uncharacteristic of Jedi behavior. Shortly after this decision, Vitus received a call from Jareni aboard her newly acquired ship, the Lightseeker. He congratulated her on the impressive vessel after she provided a brief tour of its facilities. They then discussed his well-being following the events of recent weeks, and he affirmed his commitment to the Order. Jareni then bid him farewell.

Later, Master Vitus was in the Coruscant Jedi Temple's meditation center when Padawan Silas found him. After enduring so much together, and following his master's death while fighting the Nihil, Silas expressed his desire to join Vitus on his assignment on the frontier as newly appointed master and apprentice. After hearing Silas' explanation, Cohmac openly conveyed his apprehension about the prospect but acknowledged the need for courage and continued efforts to overcome his difficulties with the Jedi's choices. Ultimately, he accepted Silas as his Padawan. Weeks later, they attended the opening ceremony of the Starlight Beacon. Following the celebration, Vitus explained to his new Padawan that anything could happen from that point forward, and there was joy to be found in that.

Battle on Mulita

Cohmac Vitus was a participant in the battle on Mulita fighting against the Drengir.

Mission to Genetia

About a year after the Amaxine Station incident, Vitus discovered a petition from the academic community of the planet Genetia, which was teetering on the brink of civil war. He and Silas journeyed to Genetia and secured a large collection of artifacts and datatapes for preservation on Starlight Beacon.

Detour to Tiikae

After being called to Coruscant to testify before a Galactic Senate committee regarding the atrocities they had witnessed on Genetia, Vitus and Silas departed from Starlight Beacon aboard the Fraunesaa, accompanied by Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh and her Padawan Imri Cantaros. The Jedi received a distress signal from the Jedi temple on Tiikae, reporting a Nihil attack. The Jedi subdued the Nihil force present and encountered the local deputy, Jordanna Sparkburn, whom Vitus agreed to bring with them to Coruscant.

Rescue on the Gravity's Heart

At the request of Senator Ghirra Starros, Vitus and Silas accompanied Rwoh, Cantaros, Sylvestri Yarrow, and Xylan Graf on an expedition to the Berenge sector to investigate rumors of a Nihil weapon being developed. Graf led them to his family's space station Everbloom, where they were ambushed by a Nihil group, resulting in the capture of Silas, Cantaros, and Yarrow. Vitus and Rwoh confronted Matriarch Catriona Graf, who offered them the Vengeful Goddess to rescue their companions. Vitus, Rwoh, and Sparkburn traveled to the coordinates of the Gravity's Heart space station. Vitus engaged the Nihil's ships in combat while Rwoh and Sparkburn boarded the station via an escape pod. Rwoh and Sparkburn rescued Silas, Cantaros, and Yarrow while reinforcements from the Republic Defense Coalition arrived and destroyed the Gravity's Heart.

Mission to Corellia

While sparring with Silas on Starlight Beacon, Vitus and Silas were invited by Padawan Ram Jomaram to join a mission to Corellia, alongside Jomaram and Master Kantam Sy, to investigate reports of Nihil activity. Before departing, Vitus spoke with Orla Jareni via hologram. When Silas entered during the conversation, Vitus admitted to experiencing profound sadness, which Jareni was helping him understand. Vitus, Silas, Sy, and Jomaram departed from the station on a shuttle named the Talmadge. During the hyperspace journey, Vitus inquired whether Sy had ever considered becoming a Wayseeker, and Sy recounted a time in their youth when they left the Jedi Order.

Upon arriving in Coronet City, Vitus and Sy visited Minister Fendirfal, who had alerted the Jedi to the apparent Nihil presence on Corellia. Fendirfal informed the Masters that, due to the bombing at Gus Talon University, she was preoccupied and unable to assist them, and that all Jedi from the Coronet City temple had been deployed to Gus Talon. The minister escorted Vitus and Sy to a gathering of city officials hosted by Alys Ongwa, who had enlisted Silas and Jomaram's assistance. When a brawl erupted, Vitus suggested that the four Jedi convene in a side room to discuss the Padawans' activities. After the brawl subsided, Ongwa met with her crew and the Jedi. She wanted them to attend the upcoming Finance Ball to gather information and required a singer unknown on Corellia to perform at the event. Jomaram suggested Zeen Mrala, who had recently contacted him to inform him of her impending arrival on Corellia.

While overseeing Ongwa's friend Svi'no Atchapat at a performance by her band, Vitus and Sy intercepted someone rushing toward Atchapat, who turned out to be her ex-boyfriend Tivbak. The Masters then encountered Barg'no Atchapat, who inquired about the rumors of a Nihil presence on Corellia and declared that the Atchapat Family would fight if necessary.

Battle at the shipyards

The following day, Vitus and Sy were visited by Minister Fendirfal, who informed them of reports of a conflict at the municipal police barracks. The two Jedi traveled to the barracks on a speeder bike and observed smoke billowing from the building. At that moment, they both sensed devastation on Starlight Beacon through the Force. A man fled from the barracks, and the Masters pursued and questioned him. The muni officer revealed that a red-skinned girl had appeared at the barracks, followed by a fight with the newly recruited officers and the release of a gas. The officer fled as a gunship attacked the Jedi. Vitus swiftly eliminated the gunship's crew. Sy was disturbed by his ruthlessness, but Vitus asserted that decisive action was necessary to defeat the Nihil. Vitus desired to return to Starlight and defend his home and Orla Jareni, but Sy convinced him of his need on Corellia. The two then observed a convoy of vehicles piloted by the Nihil in motion. They infiltrated one of the walkers, which transported them to the shipyards. Observing the Nihil awaiting their allies, Sy deduced that their plan was to steal the ships, not destroy them as they had initially assumed.

Vitus and Sy fought their way through a throng of Nihil, starting on opposite sides and converging in the middle. They witnessed Reath Silas, who had stowed away aboard a Nihil troop transport, jump into the battle. Vitus dropped his lightsaber amidst the chaos and was rescued by Sy. The Masters joined Silas and were guided to the Corellian fighters' barricades by Svi'no Atchapat.

Master Sy divided the Jedi, assigning them to guard different ships from the Nihil. As the battle intensified, Sy made the decision to destroy the remaining operational ships rather than allow them to fall into Nihil hands. After the Nihil deployed gas, Sy and Vitus cleared some of it away using the Force. Ram Jomaram met them on the battlefield and informed them that he had hidden an injured Silas in one of the MPO star cruisers. The Jedi observed one of the Longbeams, seized by the Nihil, take off, and Jomaram rushed to stop it.

Vitus continued the battle alongside Sy and Zeen Mrala, but another ship, an MPO cruiser, was captured by the Nihil. In an attempt to evacuate the remaining fighters, Vitus joined Sy in leading a charge through the surrounding Nihil. Yet another ship began to take off, and Vitus and Mrala protected Sy as Sy focused on stopping the ship through the Force. Then Master Yoda appeared, pulling the ship from the sky and joining the fight. Vitus cut down Nihil alongside Yoda and the others, and the tide of the battle turned in their favor.

Leaving the Jedi Order

During the attack on Corellia by the Nihil, Cohmac voiced his misgivings concerning the Jedi Order's method of confronting the Nihil threat, asserting that the entire Order and the Jedi Code were ill-suited for the current state of the galaxy. After knighting his Padawan Reath Silas, sensing the destruction of Starlight Beacon and the death of Orla Jareni, Cohmac Vitus departed from the Jedi Order, entrusting his lightsaber to his now former Padawan Reath Silas.

Personality and traits

Cohmac Vitus was of average height for a male human, yet appeared taller due to his lean, angular physique, the thick, greying black hair that cascaded almost to his shoulders, and a solemnity that accompanied his presence.

Vitus was a sagacious Jedi Master with a fondness for ancient history, which inspired Padawan Reath Silas to admire him. Outwardly, Vitus was exceptionally calm and methodically logical, but internally, he was shaken by the death of his master and, despite suppressing his grief as dictated by Jedi teachings, couldn't help but feel anger over Simmix's death and was even more incensed by the fact that Jedi teachings attempted to invalidate such emotions. Furthermore, Vitus was troubled by the Jedi Order's division between the light side and the dark side of the Force and believed that the refusal to confront the darkness could potentially amplify it. When Vitus believed he was unobserved, he appreciated the sight of Xylan Graf's chest when it was partially exposed.

Powers and abilities

Cohmac Vitus possessed an extensive knowledge of histories and ancient cultures, among other subjects, and was regarded as a distinguished mystic among his peers. Consequently, he possessed an analytical mind capable of drawing upon a vast range of information. He also had a strong connection to the Force and was granted many notable abilities. Vitus could sense the dark side of the Force's energies aboard the Amaxine station and was able to probe deeper and understand there was a malicious intelligence behind it. Like most Jedi, Vitus could use the Force to jump many meters into the air with ease but he was also able to levitate himself a similar distance in the air. Vitus was also skilled in the usage of a lightsaber, fending off multiple Nihil at once while also effectively combating the foreign threat of the Drengir.


Cohmac Vitus wore robes and wielded a blue lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Cohmac Vitus was first mentioned in the 2021 novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, authored by Charles Soule, where Vitus was described as a Jedi Knight. However, the novel The High Republic: Into the Dark by Claudia Gray, in which he made his first full appearance, identifies Vitus as a Jedi Master. Gray's original live-action comparison for Vitus was actor Oded Fehr.

