
Floating, otherwise known as Levitation, constituted a telekinetic Force power enabling a Force-sensitive being to suspend themselves in the air for a significant time period without any physical contact with the surface below.

Historical Information

Era of the High Republic

A Jedi Master named Cohmac Vitus, who lived during the High Republic Era, possessed a natural aptitude for floating. Douglas Sunvale, another Master, endeavored to encourage his Padawan, Imri Cantaros, to levitate during Imri's training. In the year 232 BBY, Master Avar Kriss spearheaded an emergency rescue mission to the Hetzal system, aiming to shield it from debris fragments ejected from hyperspace during a cataclysmic event later known as the Great Hyperspace Disaster. Kriss, aboard the vessel Third Horizon, was observed floating one meter above the deck in a meditative state, orchestrating the rescue operation through her unique power that linked Force-users through their natural bonds.

Jedi Master Estala Maru uses levitation while performing his duties on Starlight Beacon.

Soon after the Great Disaster occurred, Vitus used levitation on the Amaxine space station, hovering eight meters above the floor. He performed this act as a demonstration of his abilities to subdue looters who were wreaking havoc throughout the abandoned station. This display proved effective, as the troublemakers surrendered their weapons and returned the stolen goods. Several days later, a group exploring the Amaxine station was attacked by a swarm of 8-T droids equipped with pruning claws. Affie Hollow, who had previously witnessed Vitus's levitation, suggested that the two Jedi present could use the technique to fly everyone to safety. However, Jedi Knight Dez Rydan clarified that levitation was only practical in less stressful situations, prompting Hollow to remark that the ability seemed pointless if it was unusable in dangerous circumstances. Padawan Reath Silas silently agreed with Hollow's assessment.

After the resolution of the incident on the Amaxine station, Vitus went back to the Jedi Grand Temple located on Coruscant. There, he levitated while meditating within a meditation chamber. His meditation was eventually disturbed by Padawan Silas, who desired to speak with him. Estala Maru, a Jedi Master who was the head of operations on the space station Starlight Beacon, often used levitation while managing and overseeing the station's many tasks and departments.

A blue-skinned Force-user meditates while levitating in the ruins of an unknown world.

Age of the Empire

Not long after the Imperial Era commenced, Kirak Infil'a, a Jedi Master, was seen floating just above the surface of Al'doleem while he meditated. His meditation was interrupted by Arex, a Jedi training droid, who attacked Infil'a in accordance with its programming. It was also known that Yoda could float if he so chose.

Conflict Between the First Order and the Resistance

Rey levitating while meditating on Ajan Kloss.

During the First Order-Resistance War in 34 ABY, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was observed levitating in a meditative state on Ahch-To. He was simultaneously employing Force projection to manifest an illusory version of himself across the galaxy on the planet Crait. There, his allies in the Resistance were engaged in a losing battle against the forces of the First Order. The distraction he created enabled his allies to escape, though the exertion of Force projection caused Skywalker to collapse and become one with the Force.

In 35 ABY, Rey, Skywalker's former Jedi Padawan, levitated several meters above the ground on the jungle moon Ajan Kloss. She was attempting to commune with the spirits of past Jedi through meditation. After realizing that her efforts were futile, she returned to the ground and reported her failure to her new master, Leia Organa.

Additional Information

Levitation was initially identified in the 2019 audio drama titled Dooku: Jedi Lost, penned by Cavan Scott.

This technique was originally presented within the Star Wars Legends continuity in the sixth issue of the comic series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith. It was written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson, with illustrations by Art Wetherell, and published by Dark Horse Comics on March 14, 1995.

