Jordanna Sparkburn

Jordanna Sparkburn, a human female, belonged to the San Tekka family during the High Republic Era. She held the position of deputy for the San Tekka clan on the Galactic Frontier planet of Tiikae.


Tiikae, Jordanna Sparkburn's homeworld, was a relatively small world that had been only sparsely inhabited by settlers for approximately a century. From a young age, she was groomed to eventually succeed her aunt, her mentor, as the San Tekka deputy responsible for overseeing affairs on the planet.

In the year following the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Sparkburn encountered Sylvestri Yarrow, another human female who was roughly two years younger than her. Yarrow's mother, Chancey, had left the young woman on Tiikae under the guise of learning to repair hyperdrives and sublight engines from Roy and Klanna, a family of Ugnaughts. Sparkburn had entrusted her speeder bike to them for repairs, and Yarrow was in the process of fixing the repulsorlift when Sparkburn arrived to check on the repair's status. A rapid romance blossomed between Yarrow and Sparkburn, and they shared a blissful month as a couple, spending their days in each other's company and staying up late to admire auroras in the night sky. Yarrow began to consider the possibility of her mother never returning and of establishing a life with Sparkburn, but she then discovered that the Yarrows' starship, the Switchback, was on its way to retrieve her. The night prior to her departure, Yarrow implored Sparkburn to leave with her and explore the galaxy; however, Sparkburn felt unable to abandon her obligations and her home. She informed Yarrow that she could not accompany her, and when Yarrow's mother arrived to collect her, Sparkburn was absent to bid her farewell.

Behind the scenes

Jordanna Sparkburn made her first appearance in the 2021 novel titled The High Republic: Out of the Shadows, penned by Justina Ireland. Despite being described as having a sandy complexion with freckles in the novel, the initial official illustration of Sparkburn, featured in the fifth episode of Star Wars: The High Republic Show, portrayed her as pale with freckles that were barely visible. Sparkburn's design underwent multiple iterations; Justina Ireland expressed a desire to incorporate more feminine features to soften the character's appearance and make her seem less villainous. MinJi Yoon created the concept art for Sparkburn.

