Ghirra Starros, a senator representing the Galactic Republic, lived during the High Republic Era and was female. She held the position of mother to Avon Sunvale, a scientist with aspirations of becoming an inventor. During the Nihil pirates' conflict with the Republic, Starros began secretly providing information to the Nihil's leader, Marchion Ro, attempting to manipulate both factions, and her actions were a direct cause of the destruction of the Jedi outpost Starlight Beacon. After the Nihil established the Stormwall and claimed the Occlusion Zone, a region of the galaxy, Starros assumed control of Nihil operations within the Zone as Ro's Minister of Information, advocating for the Republic to recognize the Nihil as an independent nation.

Back in 232 BBY, Starros dispatched Avon Sunvale to the distant Port Haileap, believing her daughter was troublesome and wishing for her to develop an appreciation for her life on Coruscant.
While Starros was an ally of the San Tekka family, Xylan Graf alleged that Starros was indebted to the Grafs because of their significant contributions to the construction of Starlight Beacon and the signing of the Dalnan treaty. She was also accused of expediting legislation that allowed her relatives to profit from the disaster at the Republic Fair.
When Xylan sought to secure a lease in the Berenge sector, Starros initiated an investigation following Thaddeus Wolk's theory that the sector concealed a secret Nihil hyperspace weapon.
Eventually, in an attempt to position herself favorably with both the Nihil and the Republic in their conflict, she became romantically involved with the Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, becoming his most valuable asset within the Galactic Senate. She supplied the Nihil with the schematics for Starlight Beacon, which they exploited to infiltrate and destroy the station.
Following the destruction of Starlight Beacon, Starros severed ties with the Republic and officially joined the Nihil, who had established an autonomous territory in the Outer Rim known as the Occlusion Zone, a region of space isolated from the Republic by an impenetrable barrier called the Stormwall. Operating from a new base on the planet Hetzal, the Nihil continued to launch raids beyond the Occlusion Zone, safe from the Republic Defense Coalition and the Jedi, who had retreated behind the Stormwall. However, with ten sectors under their control and the Nihil's original [Tempests](/article/tempest] structure decimated by Marchion Ro's schemes, Starros sought to impose order on the Nihil by reorganizing them to create a semblance of legitimacy and, ideally, initiate a transition to a more structured form of government. Ro neither explicitly supported nor opposed her changes, allowing Starros to implement her reforms. She established three ministries to replace the Tempests, appointing herself as the minister of the Ministry of Information. The two other ministries, one for Protection and the other for Advancement, were headed by Abediah Viess, a Mirialan mercenary General, and Boolan, an Ithorian scientist with the title of Baron, respectively.
Starros enjoyed being envied by others. She even fantasized about ordinary people admiring her position as a Senator and her skillful manipulation of both sides in the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Nihil. She was deeply loyal to her homeworld, and when confronted about her actions, Starros declared that her priority was to protect her family and the populations of the entire Hosnian system, explaining that she intended to amass enough power to ensure the safety of her people and her daughter, Avon.