Binding statues

Four statues served as a containment mechanism on an ancient Amaxine space station. These statues were used to imprison several members of the Drengir, a sapient species of plant life inherently aligned with the dark-side. These statues, each depicting a different figure, specifically a humanoid warrior [queen](/article/queen], a bird-like creature, a crowned insectoid, and an amphibian, were situated at the center of the station's primary chamber, encircling a raised platform that resembled a throne. It is believed that the Sith may have placed them there. Later, Jedi who were stranded on the station following the Great Hyperspace Disaster came across the statues, but they misinterpreted their true function.


The statues were arranged in a circular pattern within the central globe of the Amaxine space station. Upon their initial discovery, they were covered in plant growth. Each statue represented a unique figure, and they all surrounded a central dais. Atop this dais was a throne-like structure, and at the base of the statues were inscriptions that had become unreadable by the time of the High Republic. It is possible that the script was similar to Old Alderaanian.

Each statue presented a distinct figure, with the humanoid queen being the most striking. She was depicted as a defiant warrior queen, adorned with a headdress, possessing a sharply angled face, and with her weapons laid at her feet. The remaining statues represented an individual from an unidentified avian species, a crowned member of an unidentified insectoid species, and a member of an unidentified amphibian species. They were all constructed from similar materials, being carved from sandstone and lavishly decorated with precious stones and metals, only slightly dulled by age. Each figure also featured a prominent halo behind their head, and restraints around their wrists. The artistic style of the statues bore resemblance to that of the ancient Kubaz.


After reaping alongside the Drengir, the Sith betrayed the Drengir and used the binding statues to constrain their former allies, slumbering aboard a space station until the arrival of the Jedi.

It is probable that the Sith crafted the binding statues centuries prior to the High Republic era, during a period when their numbers were greater. The Sith transformed the statues into devices that could suppress the Force, and they employed them to ensnare a group of Drengir aboard an Amaxine space station located in an unknown star system. This plan was successful, and the statues remained in the deserted space station for centuries, until the arrival of the ship Vessel and its passengers. At this point, they were rediscovered, and initially mistaken for representations of gods, mythical beings, or powerful rulers. However, Jedi Knight Orla Jareni discerned that the statues actually depicted defeated individuals, as evidenced by the bands encircling each statue's arms, which were in fact restraints. Eventually, the statues were removed from the station after Jedi Knights Jareni, Cohmac Vitus and Padawan Reath Silas encased them in a Force shield. This action was taken because they believed the statues were responsible for a disturbance in the Force that was affecting the Jedi.

The statues were then transported to the Shrine in the Depths beneath the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for purification. However, once the Force shield was removed, the true nature of the statues was revealed. Realizing that they had inadvertently unleashed an evil upon the abandoned station, the crew of the Vessel returned to rectify the situation. Jedi Knights Jareni and Vitus ultimately managed to reposition the statues, returning the Drengir to their slumber. However, the arrival of a large contingent of Nihil forced the Jedi to damage the statues in order to release the Drengir. This created enough confusion to allow the Jedi and their allies to escape. A decompression event on the station during this conflict likely caused fragments of the statues to be ejected into space.

