
During the High Republic Era, there existed a human female known as Nan, an information broker affiliated with the Nihil. She joined the pirate group as a child, accompanied by her parents. Following their deaths, she was taken in by Hague, an elder Nihil member, who instructed her in combat strategies to compensate for her diminutive size. After the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster], Nan and Hague found themselves stranded on an ancient space station, where they concealed their Nihil identities while seeking refuge alongside other starships.

After the mission in the Berenge Sector, Nan and Chancey Yarrow transitioned from serving Marchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil, to working for the Graf family. Following the destruction of Starlight Beacon, she rejoined the Nihil and later became an informant for Ghirra Starros, the leader of the Ministry of Information.


Early life

In the era of the High Republic, a female human named Nan lived. When she was just a child, she became a member of the Nihil, a band of pirates who terrorized the Galactic Frontier, together with her parents. During a Nihil raid, Nan's parents lost their lives, and she was left in the care of Hague, a Zabrak Nihil member.

Nan considered Hague her true caregiver, as her memories of her own parents were faint. Hague imparted all her knowledge as a Nihil member to Nan.

Schemes on the Amaxine Station

Padawan Reath Silas (pictured) was tricked by Nan, who manipulated his feelings for her to get information.

Not long after the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster], Nan and Hague were left behind in a star system that contained the Amaxine space station, which housed Drengir who had been dormant for a long time. While there, the young pirate and her guardian concealed their identities as Nihil, pretending to be simple refugees. A group of Jedi including Master Cohmac Vitus, Jedi Knights Orla Jareni and Dez Rydan, and Padawan Reath Silas helped them and others. In their teenage years, Reath and Nan grew close, and Nan pretended to be interested in Reath romantically to gain information about the Jedi Order for the Nihil. After some of the refugees tried to kidnap and sell Nan as a slave, Padawan Silas came to her rescue.

Several idols on the Amaxine station kept the energy of the dormant Drengir, which was filled with the dark side of the Force, at bay. The Galactic Republic restricted all hyperspace travel to emergencies for a period following the Hyperspace Disaster. After the restrictions were lifted, the Jedi brought the idols back to Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet, thinking they were the source of the dark side energies on the station and wanting to study them in the Shrine in the Depths of the Jedi Temple. The Jedi then realized that the idols had actually been keeping the Drengir on the station dormant. They went back to the station to put the idols back and trap the Drengir once more. When they got back, Nan's Storm and stormship had arrived at the Amaxine station, and she and Hague were openly Nihil.

Nan held a blaster to Silas, but she let him go because he had saved her from being trafficked. After Hague and most of Nan's Storm had been killed, Nan reported to Marchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil.

Further Nihil operations

Nan became Ro's protégé over the next year, and she developed romantic feelings for him. She worked with Krix Kamerat as a protégé of Ro, and she felt a strong sense of competition with Krix.

In the minds of others

Reath Silas, who had a crush on Vernestra Rwoh, the Mirialan Jedi Knight, was on Starlight Beacon when he wondered what it would be like to kiss Nan. He remembered her as a sweet, lonely girl, despite her cruelty and status as a pirate. He then reminded himself that she had been trying to get information by pretending to be kind, and he decided to eat instead of thinking about Nan anymore.

Protecting the Oracle

Nan finds herself in the crosshairs of physicist Chancey Yarrow (right) and the Jedi, including Reath Silas (center left).

Nan accepted a mission from Marchion Ro to accompany the "Oracle" Mari San Tekka to the Gravity's Heart space station, which was designed by the physicist Chancey Yarrow. There, she and the Chadra-Fan doctor Kisma Uttersond were treated as prisoners by Yarrow's Nihil before Nan went with Yarrow to Everbloom, the mobile headquarters of the Graf family. The Nihil set a trap on Everbloom, where they took the Jedi Padawans Reath Silas and Imri Cantaros as well as Chancey Yarrow's daughter, the hauler Sylvestri Yarrow.

Information brokering for the Graf family

After the Republic attack on Gravity's Heart, Nan and Chancey Yarrow got away and went back to Everbloom, where Yarrow convinced Nan to become an information broker and spy for the Graf family instead of working for Marchion Ro. Nan had been away from the Nihil for several months after agreeing to work for the Graf family, as a result of Yarrow's choices.

Fall of Starlight Beacon

Prisoner of the Jedi

Some months after the Republic's assault on Gravity's Heart, Nan and Chancey Yarrow were apprehended by the Jedi near a fleet of Nihil marauders in the Ocktai system during a series of raids led by Jedi Master Avar Kriss. Subsequently, Nan and Yarrow were transported to Starlight Beacon as prisoners.

While they were prisoners, Master Stellan Gios questioned Nan and Yarrow to find out if they were still working with the Nihil. After Nan showed Master Gios that her information was old, since she thought Avar Kriss was still the marshal of Starlight Beacon, Gios quietly noticed that Nan was proud of having good information. The Jedi Master realized that Nan especially liked knowing things that other people didn't. After questioning the two women, Gios decided that leaving Nan and Yarrow together in prison would test their bond before he left their prison cell.

During her imprisonment, Nan thought about how the Nihil weren't coming to rescue her. She knew that if she wanted to rejoin the Nihil, she would have to find her own way out of her situation. Nan wanted Chancey Yarrow to be the guardian she lost when her mentor Hague died, but she realized that Yarrow was nothing like Hague and that the two women had only been using each other while they worked together.


Cale, Leyel, and [Werrera](/article/werrera], who were loyal to the Nihil, freed Nan and Yarrow from their prison cell. Leyel, a human woman, said that the three of them knew Hague, Nan's deceased mentor, and that they had come to help Nan and Yarrow because of him. Cale, a Pau'an man, demanded that the two women help the three loyalists in exchange for freeing Nan and Yarrow. In the end, Nan and Yarrow killed Cale, Leyel, and Werrera during a brief gunfight on the station.

Surviving the fall

Nan managed to survive the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which proved to her that the Nihil were unstoppable, by escaping on the Ace of Staves, a cargo ship that used to belong to Koley Linn, a pilot who died while trying to escape. With Yarrow's death and the fall of Starlight Beacon behind her, she decided to go back to the Nihil.

Behind the scenes

Nan made her debut in the young-adult novel The High Republic: Into the Dark, authored by Claudia Gray and released by Disney–Lucasfilm Press as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project on February 2, 2021. Her first visual representation was in concept art by Jeffrey Thomas, which was presented in the fourth episode of Star Wars: The High Republic Show on July 28 of the same year.

