Pictured are Nan (on the left) and Chancey Yarrow (on the right), two former members of the Nihil, after their capture by the Jedi within the Ocktai system.
During the High Republic Era, the Ocktai system served as the location for a fleet of Nihil marauders. It was in this star system that, in 230 BBY, several Jedi, including Jedi Knight Regald Coll, conducted raids that were planned by Jedi Master Avar Kriss. These raids were part of the Jedi Order's broader action taken against the Nihil.
The Jedi discovered the starship belonging to Nan and [Chancey Yarrow](/article/chancey_yarrow], Nihil who had gone rogue, in close proximity to the marauder fleet within the Ocktai system. Initially, the Jedi only intended to interrogate them, as their ship was not definitively identified as part of the Nihil group. However, when Nan drew a blaster when they encountered the Jedi, it exposed their connections to the Nihil. Despite their insistence that they had left the organization, the pair were apprehended as prisoner and subsequently transported away from the Ocktai system to the Starlight Beacon space station on board a Longbeam cruiser.
The novel The High Republic: The Fallen Star, penned by Claudia Gray in 2022, mentions the Ocktai system. This novel is a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative.