A Force barrier represented a protective Force power utilizing Force energy. Its purpose was to create a defense against potentially lethal environmental factors.
The Force barrier was a technique rooted in the Force, employing Force energy to defend against dangerous elements. This telekinesis-derived technique was considered neutral, accessible to any Force user regardless of their alignment to the light or dark side. The barrier's manifestation varied; it could appear as a tangible, sometimes visible surface akin to deflector shields. More often, it took the form of an invisible field of telekinetic force used to impede, repel, or redirect threats away from the user. While typically vulnerable to sustained attacks, a masterfully executed barrier could offer temporary protection against extreme impacts, explosions, and even the vacuum of space.
During the Clone Wars, Grand Master Yoda and Jedi Master Aayla Secura employed this ability to shield themselves from a poisonous gas deployed against the Zillo Beast. Darth Vader frequently relied on this power to safeguard himself from environmental dangers, such as falling debris, the crushing pressure of the ocean depths on Mon Cala, and concussive blasts of fire or shock-waves. Kanan Jarrus summoned a Force barrier to contain an explosion, saving his fellow rebels before his death. Other users of this power include Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka Tano, Tenth Brother, Sixth Brother, and Ninth Sister.

While escaping Fortress Inquisitorius located on Nur, Cere Junda erected a barrier to defend herself and Cal Kestis from Darth Vader's lightsaber attacks. Vader's attempts to pierce the barrier were partially successful until Junda and Kestis managed to escape. Soon after, Vader utilized a barrier to prevent the surrounding seawater from engulfing him.
In 9 ABY, Grogu, a Force-sensitive infant of Yoda's species, demonstrated a version of this technique to hold back and deflect a blast of fire from an incinerator trooper. He also employed it to shield Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze during the destruction of the Imperial base on Mandalore.
In 34 ABY, Kylo Ren instinctively employed a variation of this technique, combined with his Force Stasis ability, to prevent a bolt from Chewbacca's bowcaster from inflicting a fatal wound. During his ship crash on Pasaana and on another planet with Hux, he also used a Force barrier, remaining unharmed in both instances.