Loran was a female Zabrak residing on the planet of Coruscant, where she worked as an event coordinator. Around 230 BBY, she, along with her companions Alees June, Ellyt, and Sym, were exploring the nightlife of Coruscant, visiting various clubs and ultimately extending an invitation to Amadeo Azzazzo, a Jedi Padawan, to join their group.

Living on Coruscant was a Zabrak female named Loran. On this planet, she made her living coordinating events for prominent figures, knowing individuals such as Tillia Nova, a singer, and the celebrities Sin Merk and Gaggaran Gu. At one point, she provided support to her friend Alees June during a trying period. In 230 BBY, she, June, and their friends Ellyt and Sym were enjoying the Coruscant club scene when they encountered Amadeo Azzazzo, a Jedi Padawan. June invited him to join them, patting Loran's shoulder while introducing her. Loran initially hesitated to include another person in their group, but June argued that the difference between a party of four and five was insignificant. The Zabrak eventually agreed, but only if Azzazzo removed his Jedi robes, which she found to be a mood-killer.
They then decided to go to the Uzzu, a club where they ordered drinks. During their conversation, Azzazzo mentioned his meditation habits, which Loran found uninteresting, as she was preoccupied with work on her datapad and subsequently answered a phone call. Suddenly, Bing, an ex-boyfriend of June's, stormed in, angrily confronting June for ignoring his calls. He attempted to attack her, but Azzazzo intervened, subduing him by twisting his wrist until Bing relented and retreated. Impressed by this, Loran remarked that June now owed the Jedi a drink. Afterwards, the group left the Uzzu and met up with other friends at an apartment, where Azzazzo demonstrated his lightsaber skills.
The clothing worn by the Zabrak featured a sleek combination of blue and black colors, providing a sharp contrast to Azzazzo's Jedi robes.
Loran made an appearance in "The Call of Coruscant," a short story penned by Lydia Kang and featured in the 2023 anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life.