Alliance 8th Division Brigadier
Brigadier: This was a military rank that existed in certain armed forces, sitting above a Colonel but below a Major General. While not always commanding Brigades, officers holding the Brigadier rank were sometimes called "brigadiers," regardless of their actual rank. The rank of Brigadier General also existed.
The earliest documented instances of the Brigadier rank appear around the time of the Clone Wars. Figures such as Locus Geen, who commanded ground troops during the Coruscant Insurrection, and Gideon Tarkin, from a military family on Eriadu (his brother Wilhuff would later become the notorious Imperial Grand Moff of the Outland Regions), held this rank. The precise meaning of the Brigadier rank at this time is unclear. However, it seems to have been limited to non-clone units that supplemented the original Grand Army of the Republic as the war progressed. Records show Brigadier Tarkin already held his rank on his home planet shortly before the Military Creation Act, suggesting that a Brigadier rank was likely already in use by local military forces within Republic territory before the war began, though this isn't definitively proven.
During the Imperial era, references to the Brigadier rank were scarce, with the High Colonel position serving a similar function. Nevertheless, at least one individual, Brigadier Nevar, held this rank. Nevar was aboard the AT-AT walker Blizzard 2 during the Battle of Hoth and was reportedly killed shortly before its destruction by Rebel Alliance snowspeeders.
In the New Republic, the rank of Brigadier appeared in the military-style hierarchy of New Republic Intelligence, despite NRI not having units called Brigades or a higher hierarchy of general ranks. Notable Intelligence Brigadiers included Collomus, Colin Darkmere, and Bren Derlin, a former soldier.
In our world, the ranks of "Brigadier" and "Brigadier General" are considered equivalent in the British and United States armed forces.
Brigadier Locus Geen is referred to as a "General" in the online game scenario for The Dark Forces Saga, [1]. Furthermore, the Imperial officer identified as "Brig. Nevar" in the book Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Trilogy—apparently the only "Brigadier" mentioned in the Imperial military—was originally named "General Nevar" in the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.