
Hawkeye, a clone trooper, fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. During the Battle of Malastare, which took place in 21 BBY, Hawkeye accompanied Jedi General Mace Windu, Clone Commander Ponds, and trooper Trapper to the planet Malastare, where they faced the Zillo Beast. As the Republic soldiers attempted an escape, the creature crushed Hawkeye, resulting in his death.


Hawkeye originated as a human clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett. He was created on the clone homeworld Kamino for service in the Grand Army of the Republic. In 21 BBY, amidst the Clone Wars fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Battle of Malastare occurred on the planet Malastare. Hawkeye was one of the many clone troopers involved. The Republic's new electro-proton bomb led to the defeat of the Confederacy's droid army. However, the bomb also created a large sinkhole, which damaged Republic vehicles and wounded several [troopers](/article/soldier]. Hawkeye followed Jedi General Mace Windu into the sinkhole to assist the injured. After a clone pilot warned them about a mysterious danger in the sinkhole, Windu requested Hawkeye's assistance. Hawkeye, along with Clone Commander Ponds and clone trooper Trapper, joined the investigation.

Hawkeye and the others discover the Zillo Beast

As Hawkeye and the others proceeded through the wreckage, they maintained vigilance but noticed nothing unusual. Just as Ponds remarked that only debris was present and Windu expressed a sense of unease, a Zillo Beast emerged from beneath the debris they were standing on. The massive Zillo roared, prompting Hawkeye, Ponds, and Trapper to open fire. As the beast towered to its enormous size, Windu instructed the clones to retreat. During the escape, the Zillo trampled Hawkeye, causing his death. Later, Republic RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks subdued the creature.

Personality and traits

Hawkeye, a clone of Jango Fett, was a tan-skinned human standing at 1.83 meters and weighing 80 kilograms.


Hawkeye wore standard white Phase I clone trooper armor without markings. His weapon was a standard DC-15A blaster carbine. Like all clone troopers in the Grand Army, Hawkeye had a behavioral modification biochip implanted in his brain by Kaminoan scientists from birth, ensuring compliance with specific orders.

Behind the scenes

Hawkeye's debut was in "The Zillo Beast," the eighteenth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season, which aired on April 9, 2010. Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Hawkeye, as he did for all clone troopers in the series. When crushed by the Zillo, Hawkeye emits the well-known Wilhelm scream. The character's name is a reference to Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce from the TV show MAS*H.

