One of the final engagements in the Clone Wars, the Siege of Saleucami, alternatively called the Battle of Saleucami, consisted of a series of conflicts. These battles pitted the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic against a formidable opposition: thousands of Morgukai clones, specially bred and trained by Anzati assassins for the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

After a five-month long siege of the primary citadel and shield generator complex on Saleucami, the Republic military launched numerous offensives aimed at breaching the perimeter shield. The objective was to disable the shield, thereby enabling orbital bombardment of the underground clone production facilities. However, each of these attacks was met with intense resistance from both the Morgukai clone army and the supporting droid army.
The soldiers of the Clone Army constructed an extensive trench network encircling the droid positions. After finally establishing fortified positions along the caldera's edge, the Republic forces faced a major assault from Confederate troops. This attack was, in fact, a feint. The true target was Jedi General Oppo Rancisis, whose strategic command, aided by his use of battle meditation, was a key factor in the Republic's successes.
Sora Bulq dispatched Anzati assassins with the mission to eliminate Rancisis, thereby neutralizing his influence. The Jedi Master lowered his defenses after defeating the assassins, which allowed Bulq to fatally stab him from behind, thus ending Rancisis's life and threat. Following his death, Quinlan Vos, a double agent and Rancisis's second-in-command, assumed command.

Throughout the prolonged siege, Jedi Master Tholme had been actively undermining the Separatist cloning operations by sabotaging facilities and destroying incomplete clones. At the decisive moment of the battle, both Tholme and General Aayla Secura aided Vos, his former student, in breaking free from the influence of the dark side of the Force and putting an end to Bulq's reign of terror. Quinlan defeated the Dark Jedi and escaped with his allies, just as Republic forces obliterated the Separatist citadel with an orbital bombardment.
With the cloning facilities destroyed and the Confederate control of the planet broken, the primary conflict concluded. Reports of Saleucami's liberation reached the Republic shortly after the Battle of Coruscant.

After the cessation of active combat, the majority of the Jedi Generals departed for other war zones, entrusting the task of eliminating the remaining Separatist forces on the planet to Stass Allie.
During the concluding days of the Clone Wars, Allie commanded a small contingent of clone troopers, under the command of Marshal Commander Neyo. This group had remained on Saleucami following the Republic's recent victory. The desolate plains were littered with the wreckage of battle, and carrion birds scavenged the bodies of fallen clone troopers.
When Order 66 was issued, Allie was identified as an enemy of the Republic. Acting upon these orders, Neyo abruptly halted his BARC speeder, positioning himself behind the Jedi. He and his wingman then unleashed a barrage of fire from their speeder-mounted blaster cannons, resulting in Allie's death and the destruction of her speeder bike.