The Morgukai Shadow Army is said to have been a cloning initiative of the Separatists researched within the secret labs located on the planet of Saleucami during the era of the Clone Wars.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, in an attempt to create an effective response to the Republic's clone army, enlisted one of the few remaining Morgukai, named Bok, and used him as the template for a new clone force. Sora Bulq was placed in charge of this project, with Tol Skorr serving as his lieutenant. In addition to being the original clone, Bok also acted as the primary instructor for the clones, teaching the Shadow Army the Morgukai fighting styles. To enhance their lethality, Bulq hired Anzati assassin teachers from Anzat to further educate the Morgukai clones in the skills of stealth and assassination. The required cloning facilities were built within the magma chambers beneath the capital city of Saleucami, which also served as the training grounds and were powered by geothermal power stations constructed within these catacombs. The clones and their teachers were armed with blades made of Cortosis alloy, enabling them to fight Jedi, although the origin of these weapons remains a mystery. According to the assassin instructor Rath Kelkko, the Morgukai clones adapted swiftly to the Anzati methods and techniques, though he pointed out that true mastery demanded years of dedicated training and practice.

Regrettably for the Separatist cause, the Shadow Army was unable to leave Saleucami due to a lengthy siege by the Galactic Republic, which ultimately resulted in their annihilation.