Unidentified clone lieutenant

A clone lieutenant was a clone trooper of human origin. This trooper held the rank of Biker Advanced Recon Commando within the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps. During the Clone Wars, a conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, this lieutenant served in the Grand Army of the Republic. This Clone Lieutenant fought alongside Jedi General Stass Allie, their Jedi officer and corps [commander](/article/commander], as well as Clone Commander Neyo. Subsequent to the Siege of Saleucami, while on a routine patrol with their superiors, the lieutenant and Neyo received Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This order compelled them to utilize their BARC speeders to eliminate their Jedi [General](/article/general], resulting in her death.


The clone in question was grown on the planet of Kamino. His DNA originated from Jango Fett, a bounty hunter whose genetic material served as the template for the entire clone trooper army. This individual served as a Biker Advanced Recon Commando and eventually achieved the military rank of Clone Lieutenant within the Grand Army of the Republic. The lieutenant participated in the Clone Wars, a conflict that spanned the galactic stage between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He served within the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps of the Republic, working alongside Jedi General Stass Allie and Clone Marshal Commander Neyo.

During the Outer Rim Sieges of 19 BBY, the lieutenant saw action on Saleucami alongside his unit. In the aftermath of the Siege of Saleucami, the lieutenant was part of a squad engaged in a routine patrol across a former battlefield, accompanied by his superiors, General Allie and Commander Neyo, acting as Neyo's wingmate. At this time, both clone trooper officers received Order 66 directly from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. In compliance with this directive, the clone officers exchanged swift nods before decelerating their BARC speeders. Positioning themselves behind their unsuspecting Jedi officer, the clones promptly utilized the laser cannons mounted on their speeders to obliterate Stass Allie's 74-Z speeder bike, resulting in her immediate death.

Personality and traits

Being a clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, this BARC trooper was a human individual with a height of 1.83 meters and tan skin.

Skills and abilities

This clone, as a Biker Advanced Recon Commando, possessed specialized training in operating BARC speeders across challenging terrains, and functioned as an officer within the Grand Army of the Republic.


The lieutenant was equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, mirroring the armor worn by Commander Neyo. This included the markings of the 91st Recon Corps, a small pauldron on his right shoulder, an ARC trooper sash, an integrated communicator on his right forearm, and a utility belt.

