Between the events of the Battle of Ryloth and the Devaron massacre, a significant battle unfolded on the planet Saleucami, specifically taking place sometime between the years 21 BBY and 20 BBY. Commander Mekedrix and the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, who fought for the Galactic Republic alongside the defense forces of the astronomical object Roon, were actively involved in this conflict. The battle occurred during the Clone Wars, a major galactic war between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Notably, a clone trooper officer and two clone troopers were seen riding BARC speeders during the combat. In this engagement, Mekedrix, as in previous conflicts, demonstrated exceptional skill and valor.
The Marvel comic book mini-series Star Wars: Obi-Wan first presented the battle of Saleucami through a flashback sequence featured in its fourth issue. Christopher Cantwell served as the writer for this issue, while Madibek Musabekov provided the artwork. Although the comic officially launched on August 31, 2022, a sneak peek of the flashback panel was made available on on August 24, 2022, as a preview for the comic's release.