Obi-Wan #4 represents the fourth installment of the canon comic limited series, titled Star Wars: Obi-Wan. This particular issue was penned by Christopher Cantwell, with illustrations provided by Madibek Musabekov and Sebastian Cheng. Marvel Comics released it to the public on August 31, 2022. The story contained within this issue is entitled "The Sun Sets and It Rises".
As a sandstorm engulfs his residence, Obi-Wan finds himself with increased opportunities for introspection – particularly concerning the encroaching darkness. He reflects upon a period when he and Anakin Skywalker were diverted from the intense fighting of the Clone Wars to confront a troubled spirit from Kenobi's past wartime experiences. Is it possible for these two Jedi to redeem a man from the depths of the darkness into which he has descended?
In 1 BBY on Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi remains sheltered inside his dwelling as the sandstorm rages on. He hears his vaporator breaking outside, and he observes that the power cells and weathered walls are aging just like him. Reflecting upon the Clone Wars, he recounts how the conflict intensified, bringing about the most challenging times yet, but his bond with Anakin served as a radiant light during this era. They were closer than ever, constantly striving to dispel the looming shadows that threatened to engulf them, despite the many challenges they faced.
On one occasion, they received an urgent summons away from reinforcing the Herdessa blockade to address a confidential matter on Naboo. Upon entering a command center with Admiral Yularen, they are questioned if they remember Commander Mekedrix from the Battle of Abrion Bridge. Since that time, he had continued to serve with distinction and honor at Ryloth and Saleucami, but he disappeared after the loss of the Temple of Eedit on Devaron. It is suspected that he has gone rogue, and Yularen discloses information about rumors of an execution squad known as the death wind. They have been attacking clone detachments and high-ranking members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, indicating that they are not Separatists. Three months prior, an entire commerce guild hub on Mintooine was raided, resulting in the terroristic slaughter of its residents. The Republic suspects Mekedrix and believes that the war may have irreparably broken him. Therefore, Yularen tasks Anakin and Obi-Wan with investigating rumors of his presence in the swamplands of Ando. When Obi-Wan inquires about the intended course of action upon Mekedrix's capture, Yularen suggests that eliminating him on sight would be the most appropriate response. However, Anakin objects, arguing that the Jedi are not assassins, and if they abandon hope for Mekedrix, what hope remains for a fractured Republic? Anakin is unwilling to adopt the same tactics as their Separatist adversaries. While Obi-Wan concurs, he cautions that they must remain vigilant, as they may encounter a dangerous mind.
Upon arriving on Ando, Obi-Wan shares a story with Anakin about his time in the Codia System, triggered by the sight of the dark swamplands. They soon discover clone trooper armor hung as a warning. In his journal, Obi-Wan reflects on his youthful beliefs, when he thought he would never have to take a life with his lightsaber. However, Qui-Gon's death occurred before his eyes, followed by Obi-Wan bisecting Maul and the onset of the Clone Wars. He had hoped to spare Anakin from a similar fate, but it was unavoidable, and he was forced to use his saber countless times. Obi-Wan was familiar with death, but he detested his comfort with it and wondered what Mekedrix's familiarity had done to him. The two Jedi eventually reach the river's end and discover the Death Wind's headquarters, marked by a sign that reads, "Into the night I go, sent there by the winds of death and all who feed its currents." Suddenly, several armored and armed members of the Death Wind emerge from the water, surrounding the Jedi, who request a meeting with Commander Mekedrix. After explaining their acquaintance, the Jedi are instructed to surrender their lightsabers before being escorted into the Death Wind headquarters, constructed from the ruins of a Sith Temple dating back to the Jedi-Sith War. Due to the presence of the dark side, Obi-Wan realizes that freeing Mekedrix's mind will be more challenging than anticipated.
Once inside the throne room, the Jedi are brought before Mekedrix, who is clad in 212th Attack Battalion clone armor and wielding a sword crafted from clone bones, as he refuses to let a prime agent of death rot and waste away. When Obi-Wan declares that Mekedrix will return to Coruscant to answer for his crimes, Mekedrix denies committing any crimes, claiming he has only saved his victims by revealing the truth. When questioned about the truth, Mekedrix explains that war is merely a distraction that obscures its true purpose and the purpose of their existence: annihilation. According to him, people exist solely to kill and die, and everything else is irrelevant. Therefore, Mekedrix serves death, the one true master. When Obi-Wan attempts to empathize by acknowledging the horrors he has witnessed, Mekedrix corrects Kenobi, stating that he has discovered the light that the Jedi claim to follow. He says it is a void and an inevitability that draws everyone into it. Clones are created solely to serve death, and the Separatists tear the galaxy apart in its service. Mekedrix believes that what the Jedi call the Force is actually the death wind, the strength of the void itself. He continues, asserting that clones lack names and are merely numbers from an assembly line. When Obi-Wan mentions Mekedrix's homeworld of Roon, he is immediately silenced. Taking a sensible approach to his response, Obi-Wan tells Mekedrix that a sunrise requires three components: the light of a star, the sky of a world, and life to observe it. Mekedrix dismisses this as nonsense, arguing that it all occurs without them, but Obi-Wan emphasizes that life gives the sunrise meaning, allowing its beauty to be seen and cherished. Just as Obi-Wan questions death's role in all of this, Mekedrix lunges at them with his sword, but Anakin swiftly uses the Force to summon his lightsaber and impale their attacker. As Mekedrix dies in Obi-Wan's arms, he explains that he thought this was the fastest way back to the sunrise. Realizing that Mekedrix is home, Obi-Wan urges them to return to theirs, believing that light will return after the storm subsides.
The issue incorrectly portrays Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber as blue, instead of its correct color, green.