Obi-Wan 3

Obi-Wan #3 constitutes the third installment of the canon comic miniseries entitled Star Wars: Obi-Wan. Christopher Cantwell penned the script for this issue, while Alessandro Miracolo and Frank William provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on July 27, 2022. The narrative contained within this issue is titled "Darkest Before the Dawn".

Summary Provided by the Publisher

THE ABRION BRIDGE CONFLICT! As he continues to wait out a fierce sandstorm on Tatooine, Obi-Wan reflects on one of the most difficult times he faced during the Clone Wars…It's a memory filled with pain and bloodshed, and one that continues to affect him. The battle also makes Obi-Wan ponder a timeless question he has struggled with throughout his life: what is the real purpose of a Jedi during war?

Narrative Synopsis

In the year 1 BBY, located on Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi is documenting his thoughts in his journal regarding the ongoing sandstorm, which he believes is likely impacting the Lars residence, where Owen Lars is safeguarding Luke Skywalker, a figure of immense significance. Kenobi anticipates that Luke will soon be called to action, making civil war inevitable, and thus, Kenobi’s time on Tatooine is nearing its end. He then contemplates the role of a Jedi in times of war, a question he has grappled with extensively, particularly during the Clone Wars, which severely tested his resolve and shaped his character. Ultimately, Palpatine’s betrayal revealed the entire war to be a deceitful scheme orchestrated by the Sith, a plot that was uncovered too late. Obi-Wan reflects on the expansion of the Clone Army in the Clone Wars' early stages, noting that each soldier developed their own unique identity, with Commander Cody becoming a close confidant of Kenobi’s. While Jedi were trained in combat from a young age, and many, like Obi-Wan, had experienced battle, the Clone Wars presented a different challenge, teaching them that dominion is paramount and that seeking dominance misunderstands the Force's very essence. Obi-Wan recalls various early battles of the Clone Wars, including Geonosis, Christophsis, and Dantooine, emphasizing their costly victories and the subsequent slaughter led by General Grievous. A new wave of fear spread panic and chaos throughout the galaxy, leading to the rapid expansion of the war and the Jedi being assigned the title of “General”.

Returning to these memories, Obi-Wan receives a briefing from Admiral Yularen at the Jedi Temple communications center regarding Abrion Bridge. Prior to the destruction of Rishi Station, intelligence was gathered about a Separatist weapons factory located on Abrion Major and a granary complex atop an archipelago that the CIS had repurposed to construct a new mega-ion cannon under the supervision of Grievous and Count Dooku. Yularen explains that the factory is situated on the central island of an archipelago featuring fortified sea cliffs and antiaircraft defenses, leaving the sole supply bridge connecting the north and south islands as the only access point. A divided battalion will secure both ends of the bridge to converge on the factory, and when Obi-Wan volunteers the 212th Attack Battalion to lead the assault, he questions why the Jedi are always involved in so much violence and death. Later, Kenobi encounters Commander Mekedrix and Lieutenant Oron, who have recently transferred from the Roon System’s military defense forces to join him in the upcoming battle and bolster their forces.

That night, Obi-Wan engaged in deep meditation, contemplating the untested clones. The next morning arrived quickly. Republic gunships descended through Abrion Major's smoke-filled atmosphere, immediately facing antiaircraft fire that decimated half of the landing party. To inspire his men, Kenobi urges them to view Abrion Bridge as a path toward ending the war, stopping bloodshed, protecting Republic worlds, and guiding them away from the dark side. As the gunships advance and land, Obi-Wan in the present questions the role of a Jedi in war and the path to peace. Leading the Republic forces who are quickly overwhelmed by blaster fire, Obi-Wan struggles to suppress the memories of the lives lost that day, fearing he may succumb to the pain. Amidst the chaos, Obi-Wan reaches the bridge and witnesses the breathtaking sunrise on Abrion Major, realizing he did not want to be there.

The chaos continues around them, and a disoriented Obi-Wan is knocked to the ground by Commander Cody, who saves his life. Obi-Wan questions whether he is a coward, and while Commander Mekedrix and his forces advance, Obi-Wan encounters the clone trooper Airo, who carries a large red flag to mark their progress. When Kenobi notices that Airo is unarmed, Airo explains that he is honored to carry the banner and chose his name the night before. Vowing to clear a path for Airo, Obi-Wan instructs him to follow, emphasizing that his goal is to protect and preserve life, as is the Jedi way. As Obi-Wan and his forces valiantly combat the Separatist defenses, he realizes that life must be taken to protect it and witnesses Lieutenant Oron’s death nearby. Motivated by the extreme loss of life, Obi-Wan and his forces manage to infiltrate the weapons factory and steal the plans for the ion cannon.

Just as the south bridge is secured and Obi-Wan begins to believe the mission is a success, the Republic forces are ambushed by the Intergalactic Banking Clan’s deadly weaponry, including hailfire droids, IG units, and rogue-class fighters. The enemy's calculated delay in deploying their strongest units leaves the Republic forces trapped with only one option: escape via airlift. Obi-Wan tries to save as many lives as possible, but Airo is shot and dies in Obi-Wan’s arms, urging him to continue and wishing him the Force. After regrouping with Mekedrix, Obi-Wan and the remaining Republic forces are airlifted off the battlefield, and Republic bombers destroy the bridge to cover their escape, which was unfortunately still occupied by their own troops. Following the battle, Obi-Wan realizes that they had survived only to continue fighting, so he sits on a cliffside and watches the sunrise, seeking reassurance that light can and will prevail.

Continuity Notes

Ahsoka Tano is mistakenly depicted wielding two lightsabers during the Battle of Christophsis.

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